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"Ah," Daichi thought to himself.

It was 8 a.m., not the ideal time to be waking up for a date to the planetarium, but it gave Daichi plenty of time to get ready. He was going to be picking Suga up later in the day, close to 6 p.m. as the sun was setting. This way when him and Suga walked out they would walk out to the beautiful night sky. He was basically foreshadowing their final date on Saturday and Daichi wanted to see if Suga could catch on.

He had made sure to tell Suga's parents ahead of time too so that way they weren't questioning why their own son was disappearing for hours at a time every day this week. They had their time together now it was Daichi's time to shine.

It was nearing the end of the summer as well so before he knew it he would be back on a plane with Suga, Oikawa, and Kuroo back to college for another year. It was at this moment that Daichi caught himself thinking about what he wanted to do for next summer, which was a bit away.

If he could speed run time he would because he wanted nothing more than to be holding Suga's hands while walking through the hands on experience of the galaxy. Suga loved space and the galaxy, even more so the stars. That was one of his favorite things about him.

Daichi caught himself staring off at the wall and he snapped out of it before heading out to his kitchen, it was all empty, except for a tote bag that was sitting on the dining room chair that definitely wasn't there before. He looked up and around the room, nobody was there. He went to go grab it before he heard rapid footsteps coming from behind and when he turned around he was pummeled by an unknown force. Except that unknown force was the one and only.

"Suga!" Daichi exclaimed, wrapping his arms around him. The force that Suga used to fly into Daichi caused him to backup quickly, to avoid falling backwards. However that ultimately failed and he fell backwards into the couch.

Suga was laughing extremely hard, so hard that he had to detach himself from Daichi and catch his breath on the ground. In which Daichi also started laughing extremely and from watching Suga do it. They eventually pulled themselves together and Daichi pulled Suga around the couch to sit down, putting him on his lap.

Suga stared him directly in the eyes, Daichi staring back even harder, and then Suga kissed him.

"Hi." He said softly, it was like he was stuck in a trance of Daichi's eyes. He had a soft smile on his lips as well, making him look extra soft overall. "I was bored and I missed you."

Daichi exhaled the breath he was holding in and laughed quietly. This is something Suga would do, he shouldn't be surprised anymore. He had actually found it cute after a while. He pulled him in by the waist and held him close, it was still early in the morning so he didn't want to do anything now that he would regret later.

"I missed you too, you little ball of energy." Suga laughed at the nickname and continued to lay in Daichi's arms, and they stayed like that. Before Daichi knew it he had slipped into a nap, with his amazing soulmate laying on top of him. These times were one of the few times that Daichi was able to have relaxing dreams.

Recently he had been struggling with constant nightmares, often them being a repeated one, or various versions of the repeated one, and it always ended in death. Most commonly the death of Suga. He didn't know why he was having them so often. They were the scariest thing he's ever experienced, although they were below in the scary factor from when Suga had his first asthma attack. They were starting to make him anxious.

Daichi would catch himself biting his lips and peeling the skin, biting his nails, and even peeling away the skin at his nails. It got so bad to the point where he had to bandage wrap his fingers during volleyball. Daichi remembers when Suga first took notice of it. He had begun taking time at night to sit in bed and soothe him off to sleep, running his hand through his hair and massaging his back until the steady rise and fall of his chest gave him the sign that he was asleep.

Now since he wasn't with him at night as often, Daichi found himself having the same recurring nightmare over and over again. He refused to tell Suga about it though. He didn't need him to worry about him this week. This week was for Suga, and Suga only, and Daichi was going to make sure of it.

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