chapter 1 - the beginning.

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Being a stranger wasn't always a hard thing for me. I was always the new girl in school, or the girl no one really knew. Walking in public, I would always keep my head down, and when someone smiled or made eye contact with me, I usually got extremely uncomfortable. Not because I didn't know anybody personally, but because I was just a very "stay to myself" type of person.

So it wasn't that hard when I had to basically disappear from my life, and start over. Somewhere new, with new people.

~Coralline's perspective~

"Come on!" Kamry pulled me through the huge crowd. "The show starts in five minutes, I want to get as close to the stage as I can!" We're both huge die hard fans for the biggest band on the planet, One Direction. I loved their music, just as much as she did, maybe she loved them a little more though. She's been my best friend since I was 14, and now we're both juniors.

Over time we became obsessed with the same things,  our music taste, what our favorite weird snack is, our rooms, our sense of fashion, everything. She's more of a sister than a best friend, and I actually don't mind sharing anything with her. I have a hard time with family, so I'm always around her. We've grown incredibly close, and I would trust her with my life. I've moved a lot over the years, but me and my family have finally settled down and I'm not going anywhere else.

Tonight, me and Kamry had the same sort of outfit going on, I was wearing a sage green, silk dress, with a white flannel and some vans. She was wearing a light purple dress, but it had sequins all over it. She decided for a black flannel and converses. Both our dresses came up about mid-thigh, and had a small slit on the side of the dress. Kamry looked beautiful in literally everything, but purple is definitely her color.

"I'm coming, I'm coming! Trust me, Kam, I'm just as excited as you!" I yelled as we ran through the crowd. We were in San Siro, our first time seeing the boys.

Kamry was too excited to care what others thought, so as we were pushing through the enormous crowd, we repeatedly pushed people and stepped on their toes. I apologized to as many as I could as we basically ran through hundreds of people.

"Hey, watch it!" Some dad muffled at us as we passed him. "Sorry, sorry!" I yelled back.

Just as we got to the front gate, as close to the stage as we could get, the blonde haired boy strummed his white guitar. The first two notes of their song 'Midnight Memories' started playing. Harry sang the first lyrics.

"Straight off the plane to a new hotel!"

The entire stadium shook as the fans screamed and cried, some of them even fainted.

With the next two strums, and the next lyrics running through Harry's mic, Niall and the rest of the boys walked down the stage. Officially starting the concert off.

"Just touched down, you could never tell."

As the concert continued, i noticed how Zayn and Harry would look, point and whisper in any way they could. Specifically at me and Kamry. I swear to god I'll die if they come over here.

In between songs, the boys would take a break and talk to fans. Eventually Harry and Zayn came down to talk with me and Kamry.

Oh my god.

"Well hello girls! How are you two doing tonight?" Zayn muffled into the mic in his beautiful British accent. The fans started screaming and once again, the stadium shook under my feet.

Oh my god. Zayn Malik was standing right in front of me.

I snapped back to reality when Kamry was vigorously slapping my arm, realizing Zayn was holding the mic to my lips, waiting for me to speak. He held that devilish smirk on his lips. I've remembered it, but it's been in the back of my head since the last time I saw him.

His fashion sense was a little different, but it's still as interesting as it was six years ago. He wore all dark colors, specifically a grey and black sleeved top, with a black flannel. He paired it with some black skinny jeans, and random ass shoes. Like the shoes you would wear with a suit. He also wore a long, gem stone necklace. But damn, he wore all of it so well.

His hair was long and he was covered in tattoos. I could see a few on his wrists, and some were peeking through the neckline on his shirt. His amber eyes were literally shining in the stage lights.


I almost fainted because this was the first time I've seen him since sixth grade. Yeah, sure I was a huge fan of the band he was in, not because of him in general, but i just loved the music.

Me and Zayn used to date. Like be together date. As in boyfriend and girlfriend. No wonder he was looking at me the entire time he would sing.

I can not believe this is happening.

I wanted to say something. Do something. Anything. But all I could do was gape at him.

He got impatient like he always has been, and turned the mic over to Kamry. I think she was just as shocked as I was, that he was standing right in front of us. But she could actually say something.

Little did she know, yeah she's my best friend and we know everything about each other, but she didn't know me and THE Zayn Malik used to be together.

The people I used to tell, only wound up being my friend because they thought I still had contact with him. They only used me to try to see him in person.

That's why I'm so scared to tell Kamry.

When I realized Kam and Zayn were still talking, I completely forgot I was just staring at Zayn. I looked away, then at Harry, who kept eye contact and winked at me.

Dear lord have mercy-

"This is my friend, Cory, and I'm Kamry!" She said with a smile on her face, while looking at me with the brightest look in her eyes. She looks the happiest I've seen in a while. She's always happy. I love seeing her smile, especially when I know it's genuine.

Zayn looked me up and down and smiled, putting the mic back to my lips. "Gonna say something now, darling?"

Oh fuck me, say that again.

"I- uh- um, hi" I said very shyly even though I know exactly what he's thinking. He knows what he's doing. I was blushing extremely hard, and he just kept that smug smirk on his face.

God he was beautiful.

He put the mic down, so none of the fans could hear us, and he pulled me into a hug. But he whispered something in my ear.

"Crazy seeing you here, love. You look beautiful by the way." He said against my ear, and I shivered.

He pulled away, and 'Little Black Dress' started playing. He then mouthed "What a coincidence, you should've worn a black dress, doll."

After our encounter, He winked at me, waved and skipped along back to stage like nothing happened. Harry followed behind shortly after, looking back at me, shrugging his shoulders and laughing.

Before I could overthink anything, Kamry tapped my shoulder again and told me to loosen up. She was always so much more of a free spirit than I was. She acted like it was the most casual thing in the world that Zayn Malik AND Harry Styles was just standing in front of us.

Oh my god.

Zayn Malik. My ex, was just standing in front of me for the first time in almost six years. And all I could do was stare at him.

I don't even want to begin to think how much he enjoyed that I was here.

Wow. What a plot twist my night has become.

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