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"Crawling from hell, fallen from grace, there's nothing left for you to take! Dragging a nail through my mistakes, so we can Reincarnate!" I rolled over to slide my alarm off, and Otto walked over to my side, beginning to lick my hair.

"Ugh! Otto! You'll give me a cow-lick again!" I yelled, pushing aimlessly at the German Shepherd's face. I grabbed hold of his snout, pushing him away.

As I was standing next to my bed and enjoying my morning stretch, it came to mind that my curtains were still wide open. In a rush of embarrassment, I drew them closed. I unplugged my phone from the charger, seeing if I had any notifications come over night. A text from Lizabeth, "Hey, we had to close today. Machines won't work!" I sighed, realizing I could've stayed in bed a few more hours. Scrolling through more, I noticed a Twitter alert.

"Notifications like these come once in a blue moon." I muttered to myself, checking it out anyway.

@ProfessorCleanFreak tagged you in a photo: Ready for my first day! And some Starbucks afterwards... #secretwhitegirl. I cringed from secondhand embarrassment. A professor using hashtags! I laughed, though, seeing his charming grey eyes contrast his black undercut hair. Wait, Eren. What the hell are you thinking? I gripped my phone in my hand as I walked out of my room, still in my boxers. Throwing on a bathrobe from the hall closet, I turned up the heat slightly.

It had been a while since Otto and I had been out somewhere, and the weather was only slightly overcast. Turning on the stove and bringing the eggs out, I called Otto into the kitchen.

"Hey, boy! How's about we go for a walk here soon?" I spoke in a baby voice. He barked with enthusiasm, flopping his tongue to the side.

Finishing making my omelette, I sat myself once again in front of the television to watch some news. The weather was on at the moment, so I listened intently.

"Today in Maria, Oregon, the skies will be a cool overcast until around noon. Then, as the afternoon progresses, a 75% chance of rain makes its way to us for tonight into tomorrow morning. Thunderstorms are expected around 9 a.m. tomorrow, sticking with us through the day. High today: 73 with a low of 47." It changed to sports, and I blocked that out, stuffing my face with my breakfast.

Putting my dishes up, I changed into rather athletic attire my friends had gotten me for Christmas last year. I felt saddened as I put them on, knowing we had not seen each other since my big move this previous January. It was August now, almost a new year. Throwing on a light jacket, I hooked Otto up to his leash, leaving my apartment.

Thankfully, the creepy old granny I met yesterday wasn't in the elevator. Otto and I left the complex with only a few people stopping and asking to pet him. The streets were more vacant today, which won a sigh of relief from me (and Otto, if he could). Being forced to avoid public means of transportation, we walked to the nearest fenced in dog park. Once we made it securely inside the double-gated entrance, I unhooked Otto's leash and let him roam freely.

"Hewwo, mister. Your puppy is reawwy pwetty." A small boy came up to me, gesturing to Otto rolling around in the grass.

"Thank you, kid. You can play with him if you like." I smiled warmly, which caused the boy to laugh in excitement.

Leaning back on the bench, I pulled out my phone. Snapping a picture of the boy petting Otto, as Otto licked his face. I applied a retro looking filter, and logged on to Twitter to post it. My account name is @ThatAwkwardJaeger, and the caption read, "@ThatAwkwardJaeger: Enjoying a day off with Otto! It's always nice to see little kids having fun with him, too." I posted it, clicking my phone off and putting it back in my pocket.

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