.:Never Go Crazy 'Bout A Sharp Dressed Man:.

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In the fictional town of Maria, Oregon, 19 year old Eren Jaeger works as a Starbucks Coffee Barista. He is awestruck one afternoon when a short, dashingly handsome man waltzes in. The sharp dressed male introduces himself as Levi (since Baristas write your name on the cup). Unable to shake the man from his thoughts, Eren is distressed. Will he go out of his way to talk to this man with steel eyes? Find out!

"The jig is up! The news it out! They finally found me! The Renegade, who had it made, retrieved for a b-" Picking up my phone, I turned off the alarm with annoyance. Another morning, another day at work.

     Rolling out of my king sized bed, I lazily threw the comforter and sheets back on top of the plush mattress. The lavender curtains in my room were closed, so I walked over to let some light in. I drank in the sights of Maria, Oregon. The shuttle buses making constant stops, picking up those going to work or school. Running a hand through my brown locks, I turned my back to the bustling city and made my way to the kitchen.

     My German Shepherd Otto was sitting gracefully on the love-seat, peering over to me with carefree eyes. He flopped his tongue out, panting lightly. Smiling at my only friendin this entire apartment complex. Trudging onto the tile floor of my small kitchen, I pulled the milk jug from the fridge and some Chips Ahoy from the cabinet. I'd eat a few cookies, then take a swig from the milk hug. After my "breakfast", I walked back into my room to change into my uniform.

"Hey, Otto, think I'l get promoted today?" I asked my dog, who walked in and jumped on my bed. Of course, he's a dog, and the only response I got was a bark.

"Yeah, you said it, pal." Slipping on the green Starbucks apron, I lead Otto out of my room.

     I dug my keys out of the coin bowl I kept them in by the door, and took one last look at my pokey German Shepherd, closing the door behind me. Making sure it was locked, I began the journey down the rather boring hallway. The same grey walls, and black carpet with white trim. I hit the button on the elevator, waiting for it to arrive. I was leaning forward on my toes and back down on my ankles, puffing up my cheeks. God, Eren. Find some better things to pass the time rather than your stupid quirks. 

     The black doors spread open, revealing an old woman and a younger business woman. We all exchanged good mornings, as the younger woman got off on the next floor. It was just me and this granny, descending the building floor by floor. As we got to the lobby, I left the doors while she stayed in.

"Young man!" I heard her call. I spun around, not expecting it.

"Today's your lucky day." She said with a smirk, the elevator doors coming to a close.

     Raising an eyebrow, I pondered on what the old woman meant. Today's my lucky day? Will I get promoted? I shook my head, walking out of the apartment building. The streets were as busy as ever on a Tuesday, some people were rushing because they were late. I smiled, happy to be where I was. Waiting at the bus stop, I admired the fact that there was no need to sit on the covered bench. Today was one of those rare days in Maria where it didn't rain, and was quite sunny.

     My shuttle came soon after I arrived, and I shuffled on with everybody else. We paid our 2$ to ride, and the bus was off. I got the privilege to sit instead of stand and hold onto a bar. I pulled out my iPhone 5c, its blue back cover sitting in my palm. Swiping through the news, I decided to give my social media accounts a run through. Nothing much happening in the world except a few birthdays and some chick getting pregnant. The shuttle came to a halt, and I looked outside to see the Starbucks I work at.

     Hopping off the steps, I took a quick stretch and walked inside the coffee shop. Already, at 8:45 a.m., people were standing in line to get an overpriced drink. I took on a glum face, but quickly wiped it away when one of my co-workers greeted me.

▪Steel Eyed Saviour▪ (~Eren x Levi~)Where stories live. Discover now