Chapter 20

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Shourya's POV

After Khushi left my cabin, I went near Samaira and applied ointment to her hand.

"Baby, why don't you fire her?" she asked me with anger.

"Sam, I can't. Dad has appointed her because he thinks she is a good employee," I said, and sat in my chair.
"I will fire her when dad goes to London," I promised her, and started doing my work.

"Baby, what happened to your marriage proposal?" She asked me in a calm tone. Maybe she understood that I would never cheat on her.

"Today, mom, dad and Neha, went to her house to talk about marriage. Dad already told me that next week will be our wedding," I said.

"Baby, you will not leave me for that girl, right?" she asked me by taking my right hand in hers.

"No, Sam, I am doing this marriage only to save my position. I will not give a damn about that girl, and once I divorce her, I will marry you." Anger rushed through me when I thought about that unknown girl.

"I trust you, baby," she got up from her chair. "Baby, I need to go now. I have a photo shoot now," she said and hugged me.

"Bye Sam, take care," I said as I kissed her cheek.

Ohh god, I have to discuss Singhania's deal with Rahul. I got up to go to his cabin.

While going, I saw Khushi's cabin door was opened, and the sight in front of me shocked me, and my blood started boiling in anger.

Mr. Rahul Malhotra, who never gave a damn about any girl, was holding Khushi's hand and they were both laughing. His back was facing me, they didn't notice me.

Now she is showing her charm to him. Maybe she is seducing him for money.

They both were busy  laughing.

"Ahem, ahem," I cleared my throat in an attempt to get their attention.

Khushi quickly removed her hand from Rahul's, and they both got up. She was shocked to see me. Maybe she didn't expect me to come at that moment.

"Hey, bro," Rahul said and smiled at me, and I went inside to her cabin.

"I think I spoiled your 'special' moment?" I said, looking at Khushi. Khushi looked down.

Maybe she understood that she was caught while setting a trap for my friend.

"Nothing like th-" Rahul was interrupted by a call, and he excused himself and went out.

"Mr. Kapoor, do you need something?" Khushi asked me.

"Yes!" I went near her and grabbed her arm. She winced in pain, but I didn't care.

"STAY AWAY FROM MY FRIEND! I  know you are setting a trap to seduce him and take money from him, but remember, I will NEVER let that happen." I said, and I pushed her by letting go of her arm. She stumbled a little. She was looking at me with a  teary face. I know all this is an act.

"Mr. Kapoor, I never thought that you were thinking that low of me." She gave me a sad smile while wiping her tears.

"So, Shourya," Rahul came. Khushi wiped her tears immediately.
"Mr. Rodriguez called to finalise the deal," he said with excitement.

"Ohh, nice. I will inform dad," I said, taking out my mobile.

"You don't have to do that," he said, "I already informed him."

I nodded my head.

"Ok, now I have to go. I have some work," Rahul said and then turned towards Khushi. "And Khushi, take care of your hand."

I looked at them in confusion.
Seeing my confused face, Rahul said, "When I came into her cabin, I saw that her hand was red and swollen. When I asked her what happened to her hand, she said that her hand got burned at home and this madam didn't get time to apply ointment to her hand. When I asked her to apply, she was refusing, so I forcefully applied ointment on it.." I looked at her, shocked.

That means Rahul was applying ointment to her hand, and that burn...

Ohhh, she lied to Rahul that her hand had burned at home.

"Thank you, Mr. Malhotra, for helping me and congratulation, on the deal," She said shaking her hand with him.

When I looked at their hands, I noticed that Khushi's hand was red, and there was ointment applied to it.

"Thank you, Khushi, and please take care of your hand." She nodded.

Rahul went from there. I also turned to go, "Con-congratulations, Mr.Kapoor" I looked at her. She put her right hand forward.

A minute ago, I shouted at her, and now she is ready to shake hands with me as if nothing happened.

I just gave her a nod and went from there.

What is she? Is she really what I am thinking?

"Shourya, that is all an act. You know how she was hugging Zanvil?
Girls like her trap boys to take money from them. She is acting like an innocent so that people can fall for her innocence," my mind warned me.


"Hey, mom," I hugged her. She smiled  widely at me. She seemed happy today. "Mom, what's the matter? You look happy today."

Maybe dad told mom about the deal.

"You will come to know"

I frowned.

"Go freshen up and come for dinner," she said.

I nodded and went to freshen up.

After freshening up, I went downstairs to have dinner.

They were all waiting for me for dinner. I went and took a seat beside Neha. Neha smiled at me.

What happened to them? Why are they giving me the world's best smile today?

After having dinner, I got up to leave for my room.

"Shourya, I want to talk to you," dad said.

"Yes, dad," I again sat down.

"Shourya, as you know, today we went to a girl's house, so we finalised that you both will get married next week."

I fisted my hand to control my anger.

"You know, Shourya, she is really beautiful and a nice girl," Mom said, smiling at me.

"Good night, everyone," I said, getting up from my seat, and went into my room and slamming the door angrily.

I don't know what spell that girl cast on dad.

I never thought that one day I would be forced to marry some stranger.

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Stay safe.

Vel 💕

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