Chapter 36

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I got up when my alarm went off and did my morning routine and went downstairs.

Jenny was there in the kitchen, because the kitchen was empty.

I started making coffee for myself. I took my coffee with me and went to my room.

I glanced at my watch; it was already 9:30am.

Oh my god, Nitya will come at 10:00.

I hurriedly got up and wore a black pant and a white top. I tied my hair into a ponytail.
Hearing the horn of a car, I ran downstairs.

Shourya was sitting there, reading a newspaper.

He was looking at me from top to bottom. I ignored him and started going from there.

"Where are you going?" He asked me rudely.

Can't he talk nicely for once?

"Shopping," I gave him a one-word answer. I was not interested in giving him any answers. Why does he want to know where I am going when he doesn't care about me?

"With whom?"

"With my friend," I said, rolling my eyes.

Asking questions like a CID officer.

I left before he asked more questions.

Nitya was waiting for me. When she saw me coming towards the car, she slid down the mirror. I opened the passenger door and greeted her.

The ride to the mall was filled with talk and laughs.


We did our shopping and were coming towards the parking lot when someone called my name "Khushi."

I turned to see the person.

"Abhay," I was surprised to see him.

"Oh my god, Abhay! After so many years. Don't know after our college where you disappeared," Nitya said, surprisingly.

"After completing college, I joined my father's business, so I got busy with it," he replied.

Abhay is my college friend, and he was really a nice guy. He had a crush on me during my college days, and this I came to know through Nitya. That stupid girl once gave me a dare to kiss him on his cheeks before that I didn't know that he had a crush on me. After completing the dare, she told me about that.
She never leaves any chance to embarrass me.

"Khushi, are you married?" He asked me, looking at my nuptial chain which was little visible.

Sadness was evident in his eyes.
Before I could answer, "Yes Abhay, she got married this month only," Nitya said.

"Ohh, cong-congratulation, Khushi," he said with a forced smile.

I didn't feel good seeing him like that, but I can't do anything.

"Thanks," I said in a low tone.

"Abhay, you come here alone?" Nitya tried to change the awkwardness.

"No, my sister's wedding is there next month, so my mom and sis have come for shopping. Sorry, I have to go. They must be waiting for me. Please do come to the wedding," he said, looking at both of us.

"Ok...thank you," I said, and he left from there.

I saw Nitya from the corner of my eyes...she was smirking at me. I knew that her teasing would now.

"Come," I smacked on her head lightly by glaring at her.

We placed our shopping bags on the back seat.
On the way I got a call from Ritik. I saw Nitya from the corner of my eyes and smirk.

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