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Forgot to mention this, ehec-

While reading, idk if you can actually since I cant-, will you listen to the songs I put? Cuz I try my best to find fitting songs to the story. Only if u want to ofc. Anyways, Imma shut up now and enjoy the story U>U




A familiar voice calls out to Yashiro. It was Amane.

The mention of Yashiro's name was enough to startle her.

"A-Ah! Amane-kun... Y-You're here." Yashiro mumbles. Then Amane rushed to Yashiro's desk.

"Sorry I took so long, Tsukasa needed something from me." Amane tells Yashiro while leaning on her desk, resting his chin on his hand.

Yashiro thought she was daydreaming.

'Is this real...?'

Amane saw the look on Yashiro's face.

"You're really silly, Nene-san. I don't really need to repeat it a million times, do I?" Amane jokes.

"Hu-Huh? What do you mean?" Yashiro was confused.

"I won't forget nor leave you."

"Because you're my bestfriend!" Amane exclaims.

These words made Yashiro blush, so she hid her face on her desk, then used a book to cover her head.

Amane thought what Yashiro was doing was really cute, so he let out a giggle. Yashiro peeks, and saw Amane giggling. Then she mumbled something inaudible.

"Huh? What was that, Nene-san?" Amane removes the book from her head, revealing her cream hair.

"O-Oh... It was n-nothing..." Yashiro whispers.

"If you say so, Nene-san.." Amane was about to go to seat as he suddenly remembered something.

"Oh!" Amane exclaims which made Yashiro jump.

"Haha... I'm sorry Nene-san, I just forgot to mention something." Amane excuses.

Yashiro finally raises her head just to look at the garden through the window.

"I respect that you like looking at the school garden through the window, Nene-san. I really do. But, will you please look at me when I talk to you?" Amane pleads.

Yashiro decided to agree. So she rolled her eyes then looked at him.

'Atleast he didn't force me like he did yesterday.' Yashiro thought

"Yay! Thank you, Nene-san. Now, will you come over again today?"

These words left Yashiro wide eyed. "E-Eh?! A-Again??" Yashiro was surprised and confused.

Amane did say she could visit again anytime, and she did expect that she would be invited over again, but she didn't expect to be invited right after she just visited last night.

"O-Ofcourse, if you're not busy..." Amane lets out a small chuckle while scratching his head.

The whispers started again. But this time, Yashiro didn't bother, for she was spacing out.

'A-Again? Is he for real now?!' Yashiro thought.

Amane saw the look on Yashiro's face.

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