Ring Ring, Ring Ring, Ring, Ring....No answer. I dial again, same paridime. I began to ponder about the mysterious message and the deadly snakes in the cabinet. That's when "Bingo!" I exclaimed, the reason for this was because this was the exact same dream I had last night. Just to double check I went upstairs, digging like a mole for my dream journal. Aha! Here it is, I pull out a dusty old book that looked like it had been used in World War II, surprisingly it had my grandpa had gotten it in Berlin. Thousands of pages used up on the old paper, all describing the previous dream, or what I could remember of it. Surprisingly, this hadn't been the wordpse dream I had, back in 1999, I had a dream that my dog had died. When I woke up I saw that a lethal dose of Cyanide had been placed in his dog bowl. Sad day for my family, we had him for six years, which is like.. Uhh never mind I don't want to do math right now, never my strongest subject. I decided I couldn't trust my friends, I needed professional help something that would untangle this "Nightmare on Elm Street". I quickly googled, oh sorry used the search engine Google, Bob always says that Google is a demonilization, whatever that means. I found 12 in my area, all not in walking distance, except one. Psychology and Neurology Robertson County Department, only 0.9 miles away! I called mom, telling her I needed to go work on a school project, she didn't believe me, but I'm a pretty persuasive person. I grabbed my journal and my phone, then took off on my bike. When I arrived the first thing I thought to myself was "What a Dump!" it looked pretty crummy from the outside, inside wasn't much better but I kept my optimism and looked for the secretary. I asked for an appointment but all she said was open was 4:30 P.M. tomorrow, I agreed. As soon as I was walking out of the door I heard streaks who were sounding like they were coming from a Banshee in a blender, I wa starting to have second thoughts, What gives, It's the best shot I got.
Wretched Dreams (Part One of the Coma series)
TerrorKai started having dreams, frightful dreams, dreams that can become a reality, His obscure fault could be the key to saving the human race.