Ch1: Girl in Red

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Rain fell onto the pieces of metal that broke off the crashed truck. A person crawled out the wreck, blood dripping from their face. The rain fell harder as the person laid lifeless on the street. Their phone was far from them that read "im sorry but its over"

well thats too far into the story. Lets rewind a bit? ok

Monday. Its monday and i remember that cos i was exhausted and didn't want to go to school. My name is Y/n L/n, just so you know. My alarm blared as i opened my eyes. I slammed my hand onto the stupid box and got up. I put on a normal black tee and some jeans. After grabbing my bag I left my small house, stopping at a corner store to get a new notebook for math since i filled my last one with doodles. I grabbed the bright red one and placed it on the counter for the store clerk to scan it. "$2" the man said and i handed him the amount, with a small tip of 50 cents. He smiled at me and gave me a chocolate bar. "Thanks, grigori" I smiled back and walked to school. I remember i went to my locker and my friend Finn was there, scrolling through his phone. "hey" i said as i put the combination: 25-02-20
"you coming over after school?" he asked, not even looking up from his phone. "no sorry. i gotta stay to finish the test in Mrs jones class." Once i finished getting my stuff together, i closed my locker and started walking to my 0 period. I was different from everyone since i was the only one with 0 period (besides the band kids). It wasnt a subject that i liked to talk about but i had a psychiatrist. I entered the room with "Dr. Harbour" on the door covered in cool marvel stickers. "goodmorning Ms/Mr. Y/n! How was your weekend?" I groaned and pulled out my new red notebook, doodling my name. "I noticed you like to draw a lot so i bought you this." he opened his desk to pull out a book. My brain immediately started thinking of my favorite game call of duty since it looked like the kronorium. I remember i would always play at home with my brother.. i miss him. "Thanks" I started doodling but now in the sketchbook. "Theres someone new joining us today, Her name is Sadie and i want you to be nice to her, ok?" I nodded my head as i continued drawing. He made a phone call and a girl soon entered the room. She had beautiful red hair and ocean blue eyes. "Y/n, this is sadie, sadie this is y/n" we waved at eachother then she put her head down, holding her skateboard tightly. "i made everything so you both have the same classes. y/n you'll show her around, ok?" i nodded and we played a couple games of uno that sadie won both times. "alright thats the end. head to 1st" Dr Harbour said and i waved goodbye. Sadie and I walked to the next class in silence but when i got in she asked "where do i sit?" i made a motion with my hand signaling wait. "Ms, theres a new student." Ms ryder put her glasses on and looked up to see the girl in red. "ok have her sit next to you." "come on." i told the redhead. We sat down and she started asking me questions about the school then about me. "whats your favorite color?" "red" i said then realized she was literally wearing all red "you?" "blue" i made a fake shocked expression and she giggled. "I would have never guessed."

The day went by really quickly so when it was time to go home, Sadie followed. "you live this way?" i asked as we walked. "yea on old cherry road" "wow me too" We continued walking as we talked about how boring the day was and how school should be shorter. When we ended up on my front lawn, we said our goodbyes and i noticed the house to the right of mine had a moving truck. I realized that Sadie was my neighbor.

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