Where is austin? And hanging out.- season 3 episode 5

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The next day...

"Hey Ally."- Trish and Dez

"Hi. Sit with me."- Ally

"Okay."- they sit down.

"So... How are you doing Ally?"- Trish

"Not so good. I saw Michelle."- Ally

"Really? What happened?"- Trish

"Ya. I'm going to order a slushie."- Dez

"Ok. I ran after her and caught her. I asked her where Austin is, but she didn't tell me she ran away."- Ally

"Aw. Well, me and Dez are trying to find Austin."- Trish

"Any luck?"- ally

"No. We have no idea where Michelle's hiding him."- Trish

"Well, thanks anyways for trying."- Ally

"Your welcome. Oh gotta go. Dez!"- Trish

"Yeah?"- Dez

"Want to join me to go to the Teddy Bear Store?"- Trish

"Yeah! lets go!"- Dez

"Oh! you got a job at the teddy bear store?"- ally

"Well, I'm going to apply now."- Trish

"Oh ok. Bye guys!"- ally

"Bye!"- Trish

A few minutes later...

"I'm back...I guess."- ally

"Uh...hey Ally."- Jason

"Oh hi Jason. How are you?"- ally

"I'm great. How 'bout you?"- Jason

"I'm ok."- ally

"So...do you want to go get some lunch and hang out?"- Jason

"Sure!"- ally

"Ok."- Jason

Jason thinks: yeah! Uh huh! Uh huh!

"So where do we go?"- ally

"Let's go to the pizza hut."- Jason

A few minutes later...

"Ally are you ok? You were fine before."- Jason

"No... Austin Moon got kidnapped by a girl, Michelle. I love him! He was also one of my best friends.!"- ally starts to cry

"Oh. Don't cry Ally!"- Jason

"I can't! I miss him so much!"- Ally

"I know where Austin is."- Jason

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