Texts and suspicious- season 2 episode 3

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Enjoy :D

"What? But I love her! How! How can she do that to me?"- Austin

"Austin..."- Michelle

"She just broke up with me and now she's already in a relationship! And with that jerk?"- Austin

"Austin... calm down."- Michelle

"I can't believe it!"- Austin

Austin punches the wall

"Ow!"- Austin

"It hurts doesn't it?"- Michelle

"Well, yeah she..."- Austin

Austin thinks( wait I did the same to Michelle.)

"I'm sorry Michelle."- Austin

"For what?"- Michelle

"I did the same to you. I'm sorry."- Austin

"Yeahh..."- Michelle tears up a bit.

"No don't cry! I'll go out with you again to show you how sorry I am."- Austin

"Ok. Oh Austin I got to go. It's already late."- Michelle

"Bye."- Austin

"Michelle! Over here!"- Dallas

"Hi Dallas. Did it work?"- Michelle

"Hehe yeah. It sure did. What about you? You guys back together?"- Dallas

"Uh huh! I also fake cried!"- Michelle laughs.

"Great job! You're very smart, good plan."- Dallas

"Thanks. Bye!"- Michelle

The next day in Sonic Boom...

"Hey Ally. Sorry I had to leave so soon yesterday."- Trish

"Hey."- Ally writes in her book.

"I heard about you and Austin. Sorry. What happened?"- Trish

"Well, i saw Austin and Michelle kissing."- Ally

"I'm so sorry Ally."- Trish

"Uh yeah... But me and Dallas are back together."-Ally

Trish thinks(what?)

"Oh...that's great! Bye gotta go! Hi Austin."- Trish

"Oh hey Trish."- Austin starts texting

"Who are you texting?"- Trish

"Michelle. We're back together!"- Austin

Trish thinks(what?)

"Oh...gotta go."- Trish leaves to Michelle's house.

"Hi cousin!"- Michelle

Thanks for reading :D

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