New Friends?

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Later that night when Draco and I got to the common room, we hung out for a while and talked about how excited we were for our first day of classes tomorrow. When I looked at the clock that was hanging on the wall, I realized it was 11pm.

"Alright, I'm calling it a night. I don't want to be too sleepy in the morning for the first day of classes. Goodnight Dray."

He nodded and stood up with me.

"Yeah I should, too. Besides, I wanna see who I'm dorm mates with."

We hugged and I headed up to the girls dormitory as Draco headed up to the boys dormitory. When I got to my dorm, I saw my name on the door, along with someone named Pansy Parkinson and someone named Daphne Greengrass. I slowly opened the door and I winced slightly as it squeaked a little bit. A scared voice was suddenly spoken making me jump since it was pitch black.

"Who's there?"

I turned on the lights and breathed out seeing it was one of my dorm mates.

"Hi, sorry it's just me, Madison Malfoy."

Both girls jumped out of bed and ran to me once they heard my name, startling me a little at the sudden movement.

"Omg you're the one everyone's talking about. Wow they were right, you're super pretty." One of the girls said.

I laughed nervously.

"Thanks. Um, so who's Pansy and who's Daphne?"

The one with shorter hair and bangs spoke up this time.

"Oh right, I'm Pansy and this is Daphne."

She pointed at the girl with longer black hair, almost the same length as mine.

Daphne pulled me over to a bed that I'm guessing is mine.

"So, Madison, tell us. What's it like to have all the guys like you?"

I looked at her confused.

"What- what do you mean?"

Pansy scoffed.

"Oh please, we saw all the boys staring at you. Ron Weasley, Gregory Goyle, Vincent Crabbe, Neville Longbottom, Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnigan, and even some older boys."

I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Oh yeah, like who?"

Daphne stated.

"Fred and George Weasley, Cedric Diggory, and some other people but I don't know their names."

Pansy chuckled.

"Yeah, but it seems Madison's got her eye on someone else. Someone who we haven't mention yet, but was still looking in awe."

I scoffed now.

"And who might that be?"

Pansy and Daphne both smirked and spoke in unison. 

"Harry Potter."

I nervously chuckled.

"W-what? No. I mean, he's cute and all, but I don't even really know him."

Pansy let out a "Mhm" before walking over to her bed saying.

"We'll finish this conversation tomorrow, I'm tired."

I laughed and crawled in bed. I didn't even bother unpacking.

The next morning I woke up to someone hitting me in the head with a pillow. I groaned sleepily and rolled onto my stomach.

"Ugh what do you want?"

I got hit in the head with a pillow once more and Pansy yelled.

"Madison get up! You slept in, you're gonna be late!"

I shot up out of bed, suddenly wide awake, and ran to my trunk. I quickly dug through my clothes and found an outfit. I cursed to myself knowing I was gonna be late.

"Shit, how am I gonna do my hair? Whatever a ponytail will work."

I quickly got dressed and Pansy and I ran out of the room together. I put my hair in a ponytail as we both ran to class. Pansy and I had separate first classes so we split ways. While I was running, I ended up getting lost. When I turned a corner, I ran into Harry and Ron. Ron saw me and asked Harry.

"Wait, isn't that Malfoy's sister?"

Harry looked at me and replied, calling me over.

"Yeah, it is. Madison, over here!"

I ran over to them.

"Hey guys. I'm kinda lost, do you know how to get to McGonangall's Transfiguration class?"

"We are, too, actually. But we have that class as well." Ron admitted.

Harry pointed to a door across the hall.

"Oh wait, I think that's it. Come on."

We all ran to the classroom and sure enough, that was it. I saw Draco, Hermione, and a few others look back at us and I quickly took a seat in the back and Ron spoke to Harry as they walked to find a seat of their own.

"Phew, made it. Can you imagine the look on McGonagall's face if we were late?"

Suddenly, the cat that was on McGonagall's desk jumped off the desk and turned into McGonagall. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. Harry and Ron had the same look on their faces. McGonagall walked up to them and Ron exclaimed.

"That was bloody brilliant."

She thanked him.

"Thank you for that assessment, Mr. Weasley. Perhaps it would be more useful if I were to transfigure Mr. Potter or yourself into a pocket watch. That way one of you would be on time."

Harry defended them.

"We got lost."

McGonagall continued.

"Then perhaps a map. I trust you don't need one to find your seats, like Miss Malfoy has already done."

I gulped as everyone turned and looked at me. McGonagall walked back to the front of the class and Ron and Harry took a seat next to each other. I could've swore I heard Draco try to muffle a laugh and I glared at the back of his head.

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