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We all sat at the base of a tree, under it's shadow, not knowing what to do. 

"Oh! I have an idea!" I said suddenly. 

All three jumped at the noise breaking the silence, but urged me to go on. 

"What about we play Never Have I Ever?" I suggested. 

"What's that?" Harry asked. 

My eyes widened. 

"Please tell me you know what that is! The game is a classic!" Harry shook his head, "Okay, well this is how it goes. One at a time, we say something that we've never done before. For example, if I were to go I would say something like, I don't know um, never have I ever had my first kiss. And after that, you guys say if you have or not. That's it, as simple as ABC." 

Harry shrugged. 

"Okay, that seems fun. Who goes first?" 

I smiled. 

"Well, now I kinda wanna know your guys' answer to my example." 

They all turned red and shook their heads no. I chuckled and shook my head at their embarrassment. Hermione went next. 

Okay uh, never have I ever failed a test." 

Ron looked down, "I have." 

Harry nodded in agreement with Ron, signaling he had as well. They all looked at me. 

"Oh please, you think a Malfoy is allowed to fail a test? That'd be like walking up to my father and punching him which would only result in hurting his precious ego. He's all about image, it's honestly annoying." 

They looked at me sympathetically, which I didn't really like. 

"Oh no, don't go giving me those faces. I don't need sympathy, or pity, or any of that, nor do I want it. Yes, there are struggles being a Malfoy but I am fine and do not like to dwell on it. So, let's get back to the game, shall we?" 

They all shared a glance and we continued. 

We played for about 30 minutes before we got bored and decided to do something else. We were trying to brainstorm ideas, when I suddenly had an urge to climb the tree, so I did. I started at the base of the tree, using the small amount of grip on my shoes to my advantage as I climbed higher on the tree. 

"Uh, Madi what are you doing?" Hermione asked. 

I responded as though it was the most obvious thing. 

"Climbing the tree, duh." 

I was then high enough and sat on one of the thicker branches of the tree. I swung my feet below me and looked into the distance. 

"Mads, why exactly did you climb the tree?" Harry asked. 

I looked down at him and shrugged. 

"I don't know, just wanted to. You should come up here, you can see a lot more than you can down there." 

"I- I'm okay, thanks though." 

He said shakily. 

I tilted my head slightly and raised my eyebrows as I spoke teasingly. 

"Aww is the famous Harry Potter scared to climb a tree?" 

'What? N- no. I'm not. I just, I don't want to." 

I hummed, "Mhm suuure. I totally believe you." I said sarcastically. 

Ron chuckled and so did Hermione. 

After a bit of convincing, Harry finally caved and climbed the tree. I moved over just a little and he sat next to me. 

"Hiya there Harry. Have a nice climb?" I said in a teasing voice. 

He looked at me with narrowed eyes, but his expression soon turned to confusion as I smirked at him. Before he could do anything, I tapped his shoulder. 

"Tag, you're it!" I said and jumped down before he could get me. 

His jaw dropped and he shook his head before he, too, jumped down and began to chase me around. I ran around laughing and using random people as shields before running in the opposite direction. At one point, I tripped over a twig and fell. I heard gasps around me and Harry ran over making sure I was okay. I rolled onto my back, and what at first sounded like crying was really just my muffled laughs. 

I sat up and held my stomach as I was laughing really hard. People looked at me like I was crazy before going about their business. When I was done laughing, I stood up with the help of Harry and we walked back to the others. 

"Madi are you okay? that fall looked kinda painful." Hermione asked. 

I giggled. 

"No I'm fine, really. I didn't even hurt. It was more funny than painful, actually." 

"Yeah, when I tried help her she sounded like she was crying. Turns out she was laughing the whole time." Harry added. 

I shrugged and we all laughed it off. 

Okay I am so, so, so sorry for such a late update. I know this part is extremely short but I wanted to get something out while I try to write more. I've been pretty busy lately with school ending literally a week from today and just other things personally. I apologize once again, but thank you for reading thus far if you have! Let me know what you think in the comments! Have a splendid day/night! 

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2021 ⏰

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