ıllıllı Chapter 3: ıllıllı

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And with that, it just.. happened.

The 3 weeks had gone by too quickly for my favor, and the entrance exam just ended 30 minutes ago. The robots were easy to kill making the test a piece of cake. Although I did see some people who were wary of me at first and would avoid me ON PURPOSE.

But you know what, I didn't give a fuck. Since there were all scaredy ass bitches, I gathered the most robots up just because of how people would avoid me like some kind of virus.

I tried helping some people who were in desperate need along the way too, just because I didn't wanna feel guilty for the rest of the day. It wasn't much though, maybe only 3-5 people dared to touch my hand after they saw my quirk.

The speakers announced that all of us can go to the nurse's office to recover from our minor, but still injured bodies. I stumbled my way through there just because I had to stab my leg earlier for support.


A quite tall young man suddenly appeared behind me. He fixed his glasses and I could see his dark navy blue hair from the sun shining light on it. "Um, hi."

"I see you're in quite some trouble. Do you need any help?"

"Ah.. no I'm fine, thank you." I answered sarcastically and he just observed me as I tried to walk way.

I clenched my teeth and gripped on my clothes tighter as I felt a sudden gush of pain run through my leg. I flinched in response and told him, "Okay fine maybe I do need some assistance."

He told me to grab on tight to him since he was gonna get me quickly to the office. I gripped on him as tight as I could, although my head was already feeling light headed and wouldn't let me focus properly.

He dashed to the nurse's office in almost a few seconds. So quick that we arrived with just a blink. "Wow, you're fast..." I let go of him and thanked him for his extra efforts.

"No problem. It's a hero's duty to help, after all. So long now.. I think it's time for me to go."

I watched him get further and further away as I entered the office with a bleeding arm and leg. "Goodness gracious! I'm not getting paid enough for this..!!" An old woman's voice was heard from inside the room.

"Why do you kids have to use your quirks so recklessly?! Oh holy jesus another one-!" She exclaimed. I entered the room meeting some unfamiliar faces and some I definitely did see before. Because they were the ones who avoided me earlier. I just tried to not gain any eye contact with any of them, and waited patiently for them to finish with their treatments.

Even though I'm literally bleeding over here.

"Ah god oh dear.. You! You girl with h/c hair! Can you please wait dear? Too many people are in this room right now."

My eyes widened at her request, but ended up following it anyway. Besides, it's kind of a good thing I got out of there. I really didn't wanna talk to the other students.

I got outside the infirmary of UA with bleeding arms and legs. Any other person who didn't know what my power was would look at me in horror since my clothes got stained too.

My blood doesn't dry out that easily, so I just froze them in place while I stood outside so that I wouldn't die because of blood loss.

After a few minutes or so, the other students finally got out meaning I could finally get inside. But before I could touch the doorknob, another person's wrist held mine tightly.

"We're extremely sorry earlier.." They said, with shame written on their faces. Yeah right bitches you all deserve embarrassment for ignoring me.

"Uh... It's all good I guess. I've been ignored by society my whole life so that was basically nothing. Apology accepted.. kind of."

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