ıllıllı Chapter 5: ıllıllı

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Tch. Is this a joke? How can someone like him be our teacher? Is he even a hero in the first place?

"We have no time to waste. Change into your PE uniforms and meet me in the grounds."

His orders were very short, but straight to the point as well. Well, not really "straight to the point" since I'm hella confused on what's going on. But since it's my first day, I can't really afford to disobey any orders.

The chances of getting in this prestigious school are very slim, so I could be considered lucky among the others from the entrance exam.


"Ehh? What about the school ceremony? The oral presentation?!" The girl with brown hair and pink cheeks asked with wide eyes.

Not gonna lie I was pretty surprised too. Welp, it's better than talking to other people I guess. After we went outside with our pe uniforms, Mr. Aizawa told us to participate in this so called "Quirk apprehension" test.

Kind of weird and suspicious at first, but I think that this exam was too test our limits and see how far do we still have to go. Otherwise, this whole thing is just useless. Especially when it's a test on the first day.

"UA is known for its unique style of teaching. So y'all lazy ass kids better get used to mine."

No cap in that..

"Bakugo. How far did you throw back in middle school in this type of tests?" He looked over to the firecracker who walked silently towards him. "67 meters."

"Try doing the same thing again. But only this time, you can use your quirk." He then pointed at the circle Bakugo was standing on and said, "You can do anything. As long as you're in the circle."

"Tch. That's easy enough."

Mr. Aizawa stepped back and let him proceed on whatever that firecracker was planning to do.


Oh god, his voice is the worst. I think my eardrums just committed suicide. Also, what the heck was that?! "Die"? Seriously? A few seconds after he threw the ball, Mr. Aizawa looked at the monitor and showed us how far did it went.

"It's important for us to know our limits. That's the first step on figuring out what kind of heroes you'll be." The monitor showed 705.2 meters, which is not that bad. And just as I thought, my theory earlier WAS the purpose of this exam.

My classmates chattered, talking about how exciting this new life will be, and how the hero course is going to be the best one out there, how they made the right choice. But.. I could only observe Aizawa-sensei's aura from her a far. Goddamn our teacher is scary.

He chuckled throughout all the noise making us quiet. "You're going to be training here for 3 years, to become heroes.. And you think it'll all be fun and games??"

He stepped forward, a bead of sweat rolling down my forehead. "If you think it's all that then..."

"The one with the lowest score across all boards will be judged hopeless, and will be expelled."


The news, the wind, everyone's shock made my body frozen as fuck. What did he say?!

"B-BUT! It's only the first day AND-"

"It doesn't matter. Remember what I said. Teachers can do anything here in their lessons. So you brats better stick that in your head and remember it everytime you complain."

He took a sigh, and gave us all a creepy smile. "Well then, it's time to start. Welcome to the hero course.. kids."


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2021 ⏰

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