The Twins

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The whole drive home, the girls wouldn't stop calling me to tell me about how they were so proud of me for standing up for myself. Honestly, I was proud of myself. I haven't stood up to anybody like that in a long time.

Once we finally got home, they ran inside leaving everything but their phones in the cars.

"Hey family!"

There was no response.

"Where is everybody," Miranda asked.

"Deacon and Bogie are probably at school. I probably need to pick them up. Mom and Dad are at the hospital with the babies."

They both gasped.


They both ran out the front door and I ran after them.

"Could we maybe get all of your stuff out of the cars before we go?"

We started bringing everything inside then we went to get Deacon and Bogie.

"Alright you guys haven't picked them up in a while. You go get them."

They both rolled their eyes, but got out of the car and walked into their school.

I pulled my sun visor down and a paper fell into my lap. It was Bo. I couldn't help but smile at the picture of my big brother in baby form. But then I felt like I would cry, when I realized that was how he would stay forever. We never got to have birthday parties together. We never got to graduate high school together. We would be forever hidden in constellation.

Miranda walked out, holding Bogie and Edney had her arm wrapped around Deacon's neck, while he was trying to get away.

"Come on, kid. You can't give your big sister a hug when you haven't seen her since New Year's," Edney asked while pouting her lower lip.

"I've got the rest of my life to hug you, Give me a break."

What a classic 12 year old boy.

"Edney, seriously, if you think that a teenage boy wants to give his 23 year old sister a hug in the front of his school, then you are in heaven," Miranda said while strapping Bogie into her car seat.

"Okay listen, you guys can hug each other later. We've got some babies to go see."

They finally shut up, got in the car, and I drove to the hsopital.

All four of them ran inside, with no knowledge of what room Mom was in. They surprised me when they went to the room where the keep all of the babies. I'm surprised that thought didn't occur to me.

"Sody where are they?"

I looked around the room of incubators and finally came across the twins.

"There they are. Over to the right."

They all looked over in awe at the two babies who we now call our family. I can't believe we've got two more. Is this it for mom and dad? Are they gonna have to stop having babies?

My thoughts were interrupted when Dad came and took us to Mom's room. After fifteen minutes of listening to the girls shriek with Mom about everything that's been happening with them, the nurse brought the twins back so Mom could feed them.

"Oh, Johnny did you tell them about the party," Mom asked.

"What party?"

Even I'm confused, and Mom and Dad always tell us about parties.

"No Sarah I had not told them yet and now it's been spoiled."

Mom held in laughs while focusing her attention back to the babies.

"Dad what party are you talking about?"

He looked at Mom and she told him to tell us.

"We were planning a joint party for you. A welcome home party for Miranda and Edney, a graduation party for Sody, and a birthday/welcome home party for the twins."

Miranda and Edney were excited. I was in shock. I assumed after I graduated, Mom and Dad completely forgot it even happened. I guess they did all along and I was just to big of a chicken to open my big fat mouth. I'm an idiot for doubting my parents.

Once, Dad had taken pictures of literally all of us holding the babies, a nurse came in and politely told us we had to leave seeing as visiting hours were over. Dad said he was gonna stay the night. No idea why, and he wouldn't tell me, so I just assumed everything was okay and drove everyone home.

Once at the house, I was asked to help unpack, do laundry, and make dinner. This is what a middle kid taking on the role of Mom looks like. It's a lot harder than you would think. I don't know how Mom and Dad have survived. I don't know how I've survived. All these years.....all this time......unnoticed....alone.

what's up buttercups!? i know i said i would post a few days ago but it's kind of hard to concentrate when you're puking your brains out. this chapter's kind of all over the place (just like me:) but it all comes into play in the next couple of chapters (you might need to read through again to understand but i'll do a summary) make sure to keep liking and voting and commenting and tell anyone you know to read!!! love ya lots!<3

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