The New Kid

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Once Dad and I got back home, I went to take a shower then took a nap. Mom woke me up two hours later, worried that I was sick, seeing as that's the only time I can take a nap.

"No Mom, I'm fine. Just tired." I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"Well in that case, your phone has been ringing like crazy so please whoever it is. It's giving me a headache." I rolled my eyes as she walked out, while grabbing my phone off the table.

Six missed calls from Ryder. Leonie ran in and plopped down in my bed.

"So what's it like to be a celebrity?" She raised her eyebrows twice.

"What are you talking about?" She sat up and crossed her legs as I slid my phone open to call Ryder.

"Your performance from the other night is literally everywhere." As I heard one ring on the other end of the phone, my eyes widened and I grabbed my laptop of my bed table to quickly type in my name.

I was shocked at what I saw. Photos of me on the stage, video links of Dad and I singing together.

Three words greeted me on the other end of the phone.

"How dare you!"

I didn't know whather to laugh or panic a little bit at his question. I decided laughing would be the best idea. It was.

"I swear I didn't know they were gonna perform, let alone did I know I was gonna perform with them."

I pulled up one of the videos and saw Dad and I standing up at the microphone. I don't think I will ever understand how this escalated so quickly.

"So did you find your new guy?" I turned my laptop around to show Leonie and she started scrolling through all of the links.

"Yeah, he's playing with us tonight. You should come meet him. And we're playing early so afterwards we can go do something?" I smiled at his question/request and replied with an okay, to which we both hung up.

Bonnie, the dog (who I'm sorry I haven't mentioned lately) hopped up on my bed and laid in my lap. 

"You gotta get up sweetheart, I gotta get dressed." I picked her up and handed her to Leonie.

"She's literally the sweetest thing ever." Watching Leonie hold her reminded me of that night in the alley. I don't even wanna think about that right now.

I changed into some decent clothes and got all of my stuff together.

"Do you wanna come, Leonie?" She looked up from Bonnie.

"I actually have plans this evening." She sat up on the bed with a smile.

"Ooh with your fiance?" She blushed and put her face in her hands.

"Well, you have fun. I know I'm going to." I started to walk out the door.

"Oh Sody he wants to meet you, some time before we go back." I agreed to do something with them and walked out the door and down the stairs.

This time Dad was sitting on the couch with the babies while Mom brought him another bottle.

"You going to see Ryder?" I nodded while putting my shoes on.

"Yeah I'm going to meet their new band member. Don't wait up cause Ryder and I are gonna hang out after they play." They both replied with "okay's" and I walked out to my car.

I pulled in next to Ryder's car and went inside. He was in his normal spot off stage with the band, talking before they went on. He noticed me over at the bar, ordering both of us drinks, and came over. He surprised me with the quick peck he planted on my forehead before sitting down on the barstool next to me.

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