Trans Rights Are Human Rights

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Hello! My name is Charlee Louise and I am transgender. This book is about the ups and downs of being transgender! My boy name was Charlie Oliver and I have been transgender for basically my whole life but my family knew that it wasn't a phase and that I was actually transgender when I was six years old. I have been this way ever since I was two years old. It took me a while to go to school as a girl because I wasn't ready. But in grade 3 at school I finally went to school as a girl! Of course I was pretty nervous, but I knew it was a great decision. No-one even looked or said " I thought you were a boy." Until grade 4, the judgemental people started to roll in.

I was just walking around at school when a boy came up to me, he said "hi, I know you're a boy. I can see through your dress." After that I just said "Yeah right prove it." And then he walked away. I felt sad, angry and confused, I thought: how did he know? I never told anyone. I obviously get loads and loads of judgement, so I asked my mum for some help. Mum said to say "I came to school to learn and to have fun, not to be called a boy." So that's what I said at a sports carnival. We were packing up from running and there was two lines, and in the line beside my class there was another boy, and he was like "you're basically a boy right? You're a unidentified transgender." And I said what my mum told me what to say, he just looked me up and down then walked away with his class. But here's some advice for when you're ready to come out being in the LGBTQ+ community!

This part of this book I will be talking about some things you could do to come out as being in the LGBTQ+ community! Some people will be a bit nervous or shy to come out, but to the people who aren't and want to, this part is for you. So of course you need to come out to your family first, so heres what to do. As you may know your family is going to love you no matter what, so no need to be worried. So all I did is come out of my room with a dress on and my mum accepted it! So now it's time for your friends to know, Some friends will respect you, some may not. If they don't respect you then don't be friends with them because it doesn't matter who you are, we're still Human. So all you have to do is say "guys, I need to say something. I'm apart of the LGBTQ+ community!" Or you could say what ever you feel comfortable with saying. And also the love life of being transgender is hard too.

In this part of the book I will be talking about the love life of being transgender, let's begin! Love life of being transgender is pretty hard to be honest. Because once you find the one for you, you have to Tell him/her that you're apart of the LGBTQ+ and that can be really scary. Because you're going to think they're not going to love you anymore. So here are the people you would want to be with: a person who loves you no matter what, a respecter of the LGBTQ+ community, a person that is super nice. Now I will tell you a story of my love life. So I was in grade 4 at school when I met a lovely boy, his name was Oliver and I actually had a crush on him at the time. But before me my cousin Ruby had been dating Oliver. But now they've broken up because Oliver at the time was cheating on Ruby with me, Ruby wasn't aware of that at the time, and neither was I. So a short time after we started to date, I had a talk with Ruby I said "wait isn't Oliver dating you?" Ruby said "yes.. why?" I was in shock "but he is dating me!?" Immediately I knew he was cheating on Ruby and I so I went looking for him. I saw him walking around so I Followed him. And then I saw him with another girl! He was giving her piggy backs, chatting and laughing with her so much that they cried. I felt sad but mostly jealous mixed with angry, I didn't know what to do. About half a year later I decided to write him a note because I was shy to talk in person to him, it said "To Oliver. Hello, it's Charlee. Over the past days Ruby and I have been noticing that you're CHEATING ON ME!? You have been touching my friends inappropriately, and you even asked my sister to lay on you?! TO FAR! I'm sorry but we have to break up, from Charlee. Bye!" Now let's move on to the changes I had!

In this part of the book I will talk about the changes I had while being transgender, let's begin! The first change I had was changing my name. My birth name was Charlie Oliver but my mum and I decided to change my name into a more girly name, so we did. Now my name is Charlee Louise and now I feel more girly! The second change I had was changing my clothes into more girly ones. My mum and I decided to clean out my cupboard and donate my "boy" clothes to people in need. Then we went shopping and got some new clothes! The third change was telling the principal at school to tell every teacher in the school to call me a girl. And so they did! But it took a bit of time for them to get use to it, but they eventually did and now they call me a girl and Charlee instead of Charlie!

In this part of the book I will be moving away from the basic issues, and move to the harder ones, let's begin! The first issue that comes to mind is surgery. When I say surgery I mean the surgery of getting the boy part turned into a girl's part. Im not sure if I want to do this, but I'm certain I will. I'm really scared for this day, but in order to be a "actual girl" I need to do it. I know I don't have to because I'm a girl no matter what, but I think it's a good thing to do. I'm not going to go into detail of what they do, but it is scary. The last issue is the medication. Medication is very important in transgender life, want to know why? Because there is a certain medication that can make your voice not to go deep! I know, weird right?

In this part of the book I will talk about the insecurities I have while being transgender, let's begin! The first insecurity I have is being bullied by being transgender. Because I have to go to school I obviously have to walk past the people who mostly call me a boy, they always stair at me like they want to kill me. I get so scared that I run straight for my class. My second insecurity is wearing tights. My school has tights and some days I have to wear them. They're sometimes really tight and I get scared that people can see my boy part. So I always wear a dress over them. My last insecurity is my secret being spreaded. And that's what happened.

In this part of the book I will be talking about my secret being spreaded, let's begin! This is the story of how almost everyone in my school knows me and my secret. About a year later I came to school as a girl people saw me and said "that's a boy, right?" And I know it was obvious that I was transgender because I had been a boy for most school years. So then the roomers started. People were saying "wait you're a boy" "boy!!" "You're transgender" "everyone knows you're a boy, and you can't hide it." "I can see through your dress." And blah blah blah. I was scared and sad that almost everyone knew I was transgender, but I thought to myself "I'm strong, I can do this!" Then one day I was in the girls toilets washing my hands and then a girl walked in, she looked nice, but she really wasn't. She said to me "EW gross you're gay" and then she left with a disgusted look on her face. I thought "there's nothing wrong with being gay, and there never has been. She doesn't understand." In grade 5 at school the girl and I were in the same class. We gave each other looks for a bit and didn't talk to each other, but then she started to chat with me and we became friends!

Sadly this is the end of the book! And I just wanted to say that you can be who you want to be and dream what you want to dream, because no-one can stop you apart from you! Thanks for reading


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2021 ⏰

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