Chapter three

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We stand in silence for several seconds as I figure out how to make my words into sentences that actually make sense. My eyes travel over his confused but intrigued face, I've never been this close to him before, the longer I stare at him the more I understand the obsession. He's tall, at least 6,3 with blonde messy hair, his eyes are an ocean blue, the eyes I imagine billie eilish was singing about. They are such an incredible shade of blue that I start to question if they are contacts, so unrealistically pretty that Im filled with envy when thinking about my brown ones. He's wearing his all black, basketball kit, the number 9 largely printed on the front and back of his jersey. He's sweating slightly from training of some sort, his hair a little damp. Which confuses me, as basketball training was done some time ago. He looks like he's been dipped in sugar and I have a very big sweet tooth. I lift my wrist to my stomach, glancing down at my watch briefly.
As he is the captain of the basketball team he must have to put in extra training to keep his label of being the best on the team. I look back up at his face to see his eyebrows raised in question, he moves his arms from his sides and crosses them over his chest, leaning his entire weight on the lockers behind him. I clear my throat and shift uncomfortably from one foot to the other, looking to the ground and fidgeting with the key in my hands.
"I uh- I thought it was my brothers locker" it's the worst lie ever told in history, but it's the best my mind is coming up with. I cringe the second I say it. I should have just told him the truth - it's much less embarrassing than this.
He stands straight, pushing off the lockers with one foot, when I glance up he doesn't look pleased "your brother is dead".
His tone is harsh, a lack of empathy - not intentional but that's how it sounds. I'm guessing he really doesn't appreciate me lying to him. I glance up and meet his eyes, his expression is neutral, calm even - everything I am not. He begins to walk towards me and doesn't stop until we are face to face.
He towers over me, he actually has to look down. He extends his hand towards me, I stare at it confused before placing my hand in his.
He stares at our linked hands before glancing at the key in my other hand. Realisation hits me with the force of a truck.
Oh god
"oh" I quickly remove my hand from his warm one and place the key in his palm.
I'm just gonna pretend that never happened.
What was i thinking? Why would I think he'd want us to hold hands?
I'm blushing so hard it burns.
When I glance up at him I'm shocked to see him smiling.
He's staring down at his locker key.
I'm too tired for this
I sign "I kind of accidentally broke your phone and I was just leaving money to get it fixed because the shop wouldn't let me do it for awhile and I'm sure your probably wondering where your phone is and want it back-"
I stop myself before I ramble on all night.
"You broke my phone?" He asks, his tone doesn't give away how he's feeling.
"Yes" I say "on accident".
His eyebrows scrunch together in concentration "so you broke my phone and then broke into the boys locker room at seven o'clock at night to return it to me?"
"Half seven actually" I correct him unnecessarily "and technically it's your fault for leaving it abandoned in such a dumb place"
He takes a step back, stunned "so you breaking my phone is my fault?" His tone is playful.
I'm amusing him.
I don't know what I was expecting - but it definitely wasn't this.
"Yes that's right" I confirm "I'm glad we're on the same page".
He shakes the smile off his face, placing his hands on my waist he directs me a couple of steps to the side. I stare down at his hands on my hips confused before I realise he is moving me out of the way of his locker. He swings the door open without putting the key in and pulls the envelope out, opening it he takes out his phone and inspects the damage. Drumming my foot on the ground I wait for him to react, to get angry with me. Instead he seems unfazed, he slips his broken phone into his pocket and holds the envelope with my money out to me. I accept the envelope confused.
"It's fine. I'll just buy a new one" he says, brushing it off like it's nothing. He leans back against his locker, running his hands through his hair.
"I can pay for it" I suggest generously.
"It's fine" he says simply.
He must want something
"Are you sure? I don't mind honestly" I take off on a rant before I can stop myself "I'd happily pay for it otherwise I'll end up just spending my money on books again, which isn't good because I've got like 20 books on my bookshelf that I've not even read yet-".
I stop myself when I see him smiling, amused. "Honestly Nora its fine. I was due a new one soon anyway".
I don't know what shocks me more, his unexpected kindness or the fact that Austin Rivers knows my name. Although I have went to school with him my entire life, we have never interacted. Not talked once. No classes. The most I see him is on the rare occasion I pass him in the hallway.
How does he know my name?
I snap myself out of my daydream "ok" I say unsure "Sorry again" I mumble before trying to rush away.
I stop suddenly in front of locker number five.
Issac's locker.
I stare at it for so long that I actually forget Austin is in the room with me, I'm not reminded until his voice hits my ears.
"I'm sorry about your brother" he says, he sounds uncomfortable by the vulnerable moment, it's clear he's not used to comforting people "we all really miss him here".
"Thanks" I say, I don't turn around -I'm too scared there may be tears rolling down my cheeks that I don't feel.
I'm going numb
I start off towards the door, Austin speaks just before I reach it.
"Careful you don't break the handle" he says "on accident".
I turn to look at him, his expression the same as before- neutral. But it's obvious he's trying hard to keep a smile from hitting his face. I roll my eyes, smiling to myself I swing the door open, step out and let it fall shut behind me.


I yawn, walking through the school hallways. My coffee is in my right hand, two coffees in a cardboard cup holder in my left hand. When I turn the corner, Samuel appears out of nowhere, joining me at my side.
"Hello beautiful" he says, smiling down at me. He swings his arm around my shoulder and pulls me towards him, placing a kiss into my hair.
I hand him a coffee from the cardboard box. He accepts it, smiling gratefully.
"How thoughtful of you" he says, bringing the cup to his lips and taking a sip. He chokes, spitting it out "hot, hot, HOT!"
He jumps around like a crazed animal, breathing hard and swatting at his tongue to calm the burn. I laugh, watching him like the rest of the hallway who's attention he's captured. He stops suddenly, turning his head to face me so quickly I'm surprised his neck didn't snap off.
"Something funny?" He jokes, looking at me with his eyebrows raised. The look on his face only makes me laugh more.
"Here" I say, my tone full of humour as I hand him a water bottle. He snatches it from me immediately, gulping it down.
"Thank you beautiful" he says "where's Jess?"
I continue walking until I reach my locker, Samuel has to jog to catch up with me.
"Dentist appointment" I answer "you've only now noticed?"
He smiles, leaning against the locker next to mine "I was too busy admiring you, besides she doesn't pick me up on Tuesdays because of basketball practice in the morning".
I nod, shrugging "fair enough" Just then, as if summoned from the skies above, Jess appears behind us.
"Speak of the devil" Samuel says.
"Hello losers" Jess greets us, stopping beside me. She slouches against the lockers at the other side of me - opposite to Samuel. I smile at her, handing her the drink I'd bought her.
"Thank you" she says, snatching it out of my hands and downing it.
Samuels jaw lands on the floor "how?" He throws his hands up in the air in utter disbelief. Jess's eyebrows furrow in confusion, she stares at Samuel weirdly before her expression changes suddenly. Her eyes shifting to a figure standing behind me.
She stands straight, looking defensive "nuh-uh buddy" she moves her finger back and forth in the air, signalling a clear no.
"You had your chance and blew it. Move on"
she moves her hand forward, flapping it around, attempting to shoo the person away. When I turn I see Jackson standing behind me with an apologetic expression.
Samuel buts in "what's going on?" he asks, looking between the three of us confusedly.
Jess wastes no time tarnishing Jackson's name. She looks like a child getting enjoyment from grassing on their sibling to their strict parent "Jackson stood Nora up last night".
Jackson ignores Jess and Samuel, his attention entirely focused on me "Nora you have to forgive me-"
"She doesn't have to do anything" Jess cuts him off, crossing her arms over her chest.
Jackson signs, pinching the bridge of his nose frustratedly "I can explain-"
"Go on then" Jess cuts him off again, I have to hold in my laugh.
"Jess it's ok" I whisper quietly to her, patting her on the shoulder reassuringly. She visibly relaxes, stepping back, but still looks ready to interfere if she deems it necessary.
Jackson starts again "coach wasn't letting up, he wouldn't let me leave. I tried but he had us stay for hours last night".
That must be why Austin was there so late
Samuel steps forward, placing his arm around me in a comforting gesture "it's true Nora, coach had us stay until nine last night" his tone is quiet and caring when he talks to me, but when he turns to Jackson it's the opposite, loud and threatening.
"Although that's no excuse. A call or text could have been sent instead of letting Nora sit in that restaurant alone, waiting for you when you had no intention of going".
Jackson steps back a little and I can't help but notice he looks a little scared of Samuel.
He holds his hands up "I know and I am truly sorry Nora. By the time I made it to the restaurant you were long gone".
He steps forward, taking my hands in his and kissing each "forgive me, I can make it up to you. I promise".
I glance up at him, unsure "you have something planned?"
He smiles "Yes. It's a surprise".

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