Chapter nine

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Me and Jess slide into the booth, tucking in close to the window. We'd agreed to meet at a restaurant after school to work on the project. Originally, we were going to go to the schools library but Samuel demanded we go somewhere with a large supply of food.
I sit my bag at my feet "How's your solo coming along?"
Jess smiles "Good actually, about that, I was going to ask if you'd watch it soon? When your next at the studio?"
"Of course. I'm going there tomorrow morning before school starts?"
She nods "Sounds good. I'll pick you up at 5am"
I nod, smiling. A sudden racket enters the restaurant, I turn to look behind me. Jackson, Samuel and Carter walk in, all clean from there showers. They'd said they would all meet us here after basketball practice. I can't help the frown on my face when I don't see Austin. They all slide into the booth, Jackson beside me.
"Where's Austin?"
I regret asking it the second it leaves my mouth, but I need to know.
"He's parking the car" Carter answers, a pleased expression on his face.
I blush, looking down at the table.
Jackson nudges my shoulder "Hey".
I smile, turning to face him "Hey".
He begins to ramble on, speaking about something I'm not listening to. Austin appears a few seconds later, sliding into the booth opposite me, next to Carter. He stares at me as he sits down, I'm the one who breaks the eye contact, quickly looking back at Jackson.
Jackson laughs "Isn't that funny?"
I laugh awkwardly "Yeah. That's.... Hilarious".
A waiter rushes over, saving me. He places six menus on the table. Introduces himself.
"Good evening, I'm Alex and I'll be your waiter today" he says "Are you ready to order drinks?"
"Coke please" Samuel says.
"Coke"  Austin says.
"Sprite please" Carter says.
"Orange juice please" Jess says.
"I'll have a sprite and she'll have a sprite as well" Jackson says.
I don't like sprite
Austin cuts him off  "She can speak for herself".
The table turns to face me, Jackson shifts uncomfortably next to me.
I smile at the waiter "Coke please".
The waiter scribbles down on his notepad, nodding he says "so that's three cokes, two sprites and an orange juice".
When the table hums in agreement, he hurries off. I meet Jess's eyes from across the table where there is clear amusement there, she fights to keep a smile off her face. I narrow my eyes at her.
"So" Carter starts "I've talked to some of my buddies from class. Group one is doing Jeffrey damher, group two is doing Harold shipman, and group four is doing ted bundy".
I slump in my chair, disappointed.
Austin leans forward, looking straight at me he offers "We can still do ted bundy if you'd like?"
Jackson shakes his head "Not if another group is already doing him".
"I wasn't asking you" Austin says.
I speak quickly before it escalates "No it's ok, it was just an idea. There's plenty of others".
Austin leans back in his chair, looking disappointed.
Jackson smirks "See. She doesn't even want to do him".
For the first time since he's sit down, Austin acknowledges Jackson, looking at him with a challenge in his eyes. He digs around in his pocket, pulling out his phone, he looks at Carter "Group four is doing bundy?"
Carter nods "Yeah. Group four, Max said".
He types on his phone, texting someone. The table is silent for a few minutes, wondering what he's doing.
He soon puts his phone back in his pocket, addressing the table "Max said they'll do Jack the Ripper instead".
Jess claps her hands together excitedly "Great, we can do bundy then".
When I meet Austin's eyes, I can't help the smile on my face. Jackson stiffens beside me, when I look at him he's staring at Austin frustratedly.
The waiter approaches, a full tray of drinks in his hand "Right, sprite?"


I climb into the passenger seat of Jackson's car, close the door and put my seatbelt on.
When Jackson sits down, he swears under his breath, hitting the steering wheel frustratedly.
"What's wrong?" I reach over and touch his arm, trying to calm him down.
He leans back against his chair, signing "I'm out of gas".
I frown "we can't drive?"
He shakes his head "No. My mum can bring me some gas but she'll be a couple hours. She's in a meeting".
"Don't worry" I assure him, unbuckling my seatbelt "I'll ask Jess to drop us home".
We both step out the car, when i search the parking lot and don't see Jess's car I frown. Austin and Carter step out of the restaurant, walking towards us.
"Something wrong?" Carter asks.
I skim over the parking lot again "Have you seen Jess?"
Carter shakes his head "She drove away a minute ago. Why?"
I look back at Jackson's car "Jackson's car is out of gas".
"I'll take you home" Austin's volunteers.
Jackson steps forward "No it's fine" he insists "My mum is bringing gas".
"How long will she be?" Carter asks.
Jackson shrugs "A couple hours"
Austin laughs "A couple hours? You're going to let Nora wait here for a couple hours? At this time of night?"
Carter shakes his head "That's not very gentlemanly of you".
Jackson throws his hands in the air "Fine whatever".
He looks like a child throwing a temper tantrum
I step towards him, kissing his cheek "I'll see you tomorrow?"
"Yeah whatever" he walks away, getting in his car. I watch him walk to his car when I feel someone step behind me.
A hand rests on my back "It's getting late" he says.
I let Austin lead me to his car, where Carter is already seated in the backseat. He leads me to the passenger seat, opening the door for me. I step in, surprised when he does my seatbelt for me.
"Maybe we should take Jackson home too" I suggest, guilt washes over me at the thought of him waiting here alone. Austin plugs my seatbelt in, tightening it so I'm steady in my seat. When he looks up, I hold my breath, unable to breath when he's so close.
He glances down at my lips, licking his "He'll need his car for school tomorrow".
He stays inches from me, unwilling to move. I can't stop staring at his lips. Seconds pass, my heart beats so fast you'd think I was doing exercise. He brings his hand to my face, brushing his thumb over a stray eyelash.
I almost collapse right there
I kick my legs, unable to stay so still. Eventually, he clears his throat, as if returning to reality. He smiles at me, closing the door and running around the car to his side. I let out a large breath, thankful for the oxygen that seeps back into my lungs. I hear a laugh and only then do I remember Carter is sitting in the backseat of the car.
I glance at him in the mirror "What?"
He smiles, shaking his head "Nothing".
He looks back down at his phone as Austin gets in the car, starting the engine. He looks over at me, smiles. I stare at his dimples. We drive off, dropping Carter off at the school where he's left his car.
"Thanks man" he gets out the car, stopping at Austin's window.
Austin rolls it down "I'll pick you up in the morning for basketball".
Carter nods, putting his thumbs up "5am. Got it" he glances at me then, smiling "Bye Nora".
I blush "goodnight".
Carter walks away and Austin rolls his window up, driving off again. I look out my window, watching as the rain falls. I notice he takes a longer route home.
"Did you finish your book?"
I look over at Austin, he's looking straight ahead, one hand on the steering wheel and one on the driving stick.
He nods, his eyes still focused on the road "Thoughts?"
I smile "I loved it".
He smiles "I knew you would".
I take the chance to stare at him, wondering how a human can look the way he does. Years must have been put into designing him. He turns to look at me, as if sensing my eyes on him.
I quickly look forward, embarrassed "Are you reading a book right now?" My voice sounds weird, my breaths shallow, uneven.
He shakes his head "Not for awhile. Basketball has took up a lot of my time recently".
"Why recently?"
He signs "Coach has us doing extra. We are being tried for scholarships in a couple of weeks, wants me to secure one with Harvard".
I smile "That's funny. I'm being tried for scholarships with dance too".
He smiles, turning to look at me "Yeah?"
I smile, biting my lip "Yeah".
He stares at me for a few silent seconds "When is your tryout?"
"The 25th, its a Sunday" I answer.
When we pull up In front of my house, I frown, I hadn't told him my address "Are you stalking me?"
He laughs out of pure shock, turning in his seat to face me fully "Excuse me?"
"How do you know where I live?"
He looks out his window, failing to respond. After awhile I think he won't. But then, quietly, he mutters "I used to drop Issac off sometimes".
"Oh" I slump against my seat "I didn't realise you guys were close".
He turns to look at me, staring me in the eyes.
I can't help it when I ask "Do you wear contacts?"
He frowns "No why?"
"You have very pretty eyes"
He smiles, his dimples show again.
This boy is perfect
"You have very pretty eyes too".
I smile, blushing like a tomato "Thank you".
Silence passes between us, i unbuckle my seatbelt, reaching to my feet and picking up my bag.
He clears his throat, says "I'll get your door for you" and steps out.
He walks around the car and opens the door for me. I smile gratefully as I step out. He closes it for me and walks me up the driveway.
I stop in front of the door, facing him "Thank you for driving me home".
He smiles "Anytime". He brings his hand to my face, brushing my hair back.
"Goodnight Nora" he says, placing a gentle kiss on my forehead.
"Goodnight" I rush inside, closing the door on him, I listen to him hesitate for a few minutes before he eventually walks away. Although he's gone, my heart refuses to slow down. I slump against the door and fall to the ground.
What a day

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