Mom Friend

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        Silena's birth changed things. After the first ten days, the baby had been named Arete. After forty days, the purification rites were performed and Arete was formally introduced to those not in the family. Annabeth had met Arete before since she, Lacey, and Piper kept Silena company during her ten days of bed rest. Beckendorf was as gentle as can be then. He helped weed the garden, sweep the floor, and did the shopping.

        Annabeth's stepmother, Helen, came over after the forty days to see how Silena was daring with breastfeeding. She gave her some tips, but said she was doing surprisingly well. "Thank you," Silena said, stroking the top of her daughter's dark hair as she nursed. "Annabeth found a treatise on nursing and read it to me."

       "How nice," Helen commented.

       Annabeth watched her friend. Silena had been glowing during her pregnancy, but now there was something different about her face. It was radiant with the softness of maternal love. She seemed so much more at ease and contented than Annabeth had ever seen her. Helping Silena adjust to life as a mother had helped keep her mind off Percy, but at times like this, Annabeth thought of him.

     If Percy and she were married, how would he treat her? How would he react if she said she was pregnant? What if she gave birth to a daughter? Would he cast it aside, saying he didn't need another useless mouth to feed? Somehow, Annabeth didn't think so. Percy would more than likely be like Beckendorf and thank her for giving him such joy. Annabeth had seen the way Beckendorf held his daughter, rocking her gently in his arms as she dozed off. He was the strongest man Annabeth knew — his arms were seriously solid from hours at the forge, but he held his daughter at tenderly as a doting mother.

After the forty days were over, Silena's routine became more of what it was before the birth. She was recovering well and she thanked the goddess Artemis by dedicating a copper pin that she used to fasten her dress.

      Three months after Arete was born, Annabeth came over to visit Silena. Piper and Thalia were also present. Arete had been small at birth — hence the name "great" in the hope she'd be strong — but she was growing well. "She's hungry all the time," Silena said as she burped the baby.

     Thalia smiled. "My brother Jason was like that too. He'd wake my mother up at midnight sometimes."

      She paused. "Now my mom is the one asking us up at midnight."

     "Why?" Silena asked, blinking in curiosity.

      Thalia sighed. "She's been drinking heavily again — mostly undiluted wine."

Annabeth covered her mouth. Drinking wine undiluted was considered barbaric because of how strong it was. She knew Thalia's relationship with her mother was complicated, but she said nothing because she didn't want to hurt her friend.

Arete starting whimpering. "It's almost like she can sense our moods," Piper remarked as Silena rubbed her daughter's back.

She looked up at met her sister's gaze briefly. "Arete definitely can tell my moods. She acts more jittery whenever I do."

Silena began singing a lullaby to her daughter. Her voice was soft and gentle like moonlight as she sang about naiads and spring-fed streams of cool water. As she sang, Silena rocked her baby gently back and forth until Arete's eyes began to close.

Annabeth took that cue to stand up. She didn't want to bother Silena all day and besides, she had duties tonight at the lighthouse. Piper and Thalia followed Annabeth's lead and the four women murmured soft goodbyes.

Annabeth accompanied Thalia and Piper back to their place first. "How are things going with Jason?" Annabeth asked Piper.

"He's besotted," Thalia said. "Who knew my stoic brother could be so romantic?"

Piper rolled her eyes. "He's not stoic — just calm. Anyways, the brick hasn't messed up our relationship yet."

"Yet?" Annabeth asked, laughing. "Do you think it will?"

Thalia and Piper exchanged glances. "My mother still thinks it's a bad omen," Thalia said.

"But you told her it wasn't," Annabeth said.

Thalia bit her lip. "I am not trained in reading sacrifices."

      "Have there been problems?" Annabeth asked.

        "If my mother thinks there will be, yes," Thalia said. "She's been saying the marriage is doomed."

     Piper nodded, her shoulders dropping. "When she found out I had my moon blood last week. . .She's saying we'll never have children."

     "You've only been married for a few months," Annabeth said. "It takes time."

     "I know," Piper said, but her voice wavered.

       "What does Jason say about this?" Annabeth asked.

      "He doesn't know it's happening," Thalia replied. "My mother only makes the remarks when he's out of the house."

     Her expression grew darker. "Although it's only a matter of time till she spills it, considering how much she'd been drinking."

     Annabeth turned to Piper and looked directly into her friend's eyes. "Tell him."

    She swung her gaze to Thalia, "and if your mother is drinking so much, you should consult a physician."

     "We have already," Thalia said, "but even they cannot make her change her ways. She won't stop drinking unless she wants to."

    Annabeth sighed because she knew that was the truth. They were now at the Grace residence. She gave both of her friends a hug. "Take care," she said, "and may the gods look kindly upon you."

    Annabeth waved and left. On her walk home she thought of how much of a married woman's happiness depended on others. Married men had more freedom. No one did more than idly gossip if they went out late. Men could sleep around as long as it was with lower-class women or slaves. A woman couldn't do that. Annabeth remembered hearing the tales of Helen's kidnapping; it had sparked a war. Yet when Menelaus sired and illegitimate son, Helen was just supposed to put up with it. If the most beautiful woman in the world couldn't get her man to stay faithful, what hope did any woman have? Men, Annabeth thought, would do what they wished and their wives just had to deal with that. 


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