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This poem does not need a description.
This poem doesnt need a title. All this poem does is ask a question that needs answering .All this poem does is shows my fellings .Nobody can deny that what happened in peshawar was a murder of humanity was a eye opner to everybody . that these monster do not protect islam they just insult it. Because as far as allha is concerned the 126 and more children they killed were his own creation and no excuse can justify what they did . ALL I SAY IS LETS NOT FEAR THEM BECAUSE FEAR IS THEIR GREATEST WEAPON AND COURAGE IS OUR SAVIOR.
In the name of allah
You commit to such heinous crimes
You cannot be humans
I wish death to each one of your kind
Is this your religion
is this your fate
You just loud and voilent cowards
In your black hearts there is nothing but hate
What do you gain?
By destroying lifes; families and cities
You are a breed of psycopaths
Who on human blood feed
Is this your terror
Killing 126 children at school
Your allah will never forgive you
You"ll live and die being fools
You might scare us
But well resume our lives
Attempt to do such things
Will only soil your hands, well still be alright
Innocent life's you have taken
Of those who could not even act on their own
May you feel the guilt and pain
And burn alive in flames in which the children prye shone
No realisation you bastard have today
You will not feel until its your son
Meeting a similar fate someday
But then you will start a new war
And say injustice has been to you
You will again take up arms in name of jihad
Now think about how today you did
And what we do to you
You all deserve to be hanged to death
A hanging every person on earth can see too
May you all children rest in peace
Over your death even angels weep
You died for no fault of your own
You came and went from this place unknown
You warm Innocent and precious souls
May your murder's suffer the same pain that you did today
You died today
May the die everyday

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