The Alpha's Drudge

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At about 5 AM, the Sun shone its first ray of light of the day on the village of Malaskovhana from the Salvata Hills situated in the farther east on the outskirts of the village. It was early dawn and inhabitants of Malaskovhana have still not gotten over their gentle sleep, except from a few farmers who were already on their way to the fields to sow the seasonal crops for summer.

At almost 8 in the morning, the residents began to occupy the vacant streets and marketplace as they went along with their daily chores. A big statue of Queen Katherine was centered in the village who laid the foundation stone of this vibrant village some 200 years ago.

The inhabitants of Malaskovhana can be described as cheerful and friendly. They seem to believe in upholding peace and happiness throughout the village. And this quality of the inhabitants can be attributed to their Queen who lived by the motto, "Help at least one person everyday and you shall never worry about anything in your life" Adhering to this motto by their Queen, each of the inhabitants everyday tried helping at least one person. Therefore, it became a common thing to offer help to someone in need and hence, the people would eventually bond with every person in the village.

Therefore, as the Queen would have thought about it, living by this motto gave rise to a sense of belonging throughout the village that ensured the unity of the inhabitants and that no one is left behind.

The population of the village is a few numbers behind 1400. Surprisingly, almost everyone knows everyone and thus the sense of belonging was indeed true.

The people had also come up with a weekly gathering on every Sunday where everyone would gather and enjoy the day by playing games, singing songs (While others danced to the rhythm), savoring delicacies prepared by each household and so on.

The gathering has been set to take place at the large ground situated right beside the only school the village had. Given the smaller number of students, the village thought it right to have only one school to cater for the education of the village's children.

As the morning proceeded, all the facilities were now open. The restaurants and flower shops turned around the door sign attached to the door and it is now viewed to the public as 'Open'.

Some students were on their way to the school while the senior citizens laughed out loud as all other members of the laughter club let out a huge laugh in the garden area.

Chapter 2

As the day progressed, a mildly awake Martha reached her hand to the clock to check what time it was. Although it was just an hour before her first lecture at school would commence, she still gave in to the sleep after battling for a few seconds. Just before she had hugged her pillow completely shut her slightly open eyes, her mother called her name.

"Martha, get up hon! Get prepped fast for school! I have prepared your favorite Waffles for breakfast."

"Yes mum!" said Martha even as she hugged her pillow tighter and still not combated the sleep that dominated her mind. 'A warm sleep followed by some delightful waffles with honey.

This day can't get any better unless I add these extra 5 minutes to my sleep!' thought Martha as she dozed off after having set the alarm clock for 5 minutes.

Martha walked rapidly towards school as 5 minutes remained before the lecture could start. As she had attempted to rise from her chair after having 3 waffles, her mother brought in another one with honey pouring from all sides which she couldn't say no to.

Not just Martha consumed the last bite of the waffle but the waffle itself had consumed 5 out of 10 minutes which Martha had reserved for a comfortable walk to the school.

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