Death finds us

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They all rushed Sasha into a tent."Carol get some towels!" Rick yells, "We need to stop the bleeding." "is she going to be ok?" Tyreese ask while pacing around. "Get him out of here!" Rick yells. Glenn takes Tyreese a way from the scene, "Don't worry Ricks done this before."

"I know with Hershel but I just want her to be ok she all I have left"

"Hey Ty, you know that's not true you have all of us we're all family"


Carol walks out of the tent. "How's she doing?" Tyreese asks

"She's fine for now we just have to keep her tied up, just in case" she replies

Tyreese nods before heading in to see Sasha.


Rick leans up against a car looking up at the sky. Michonne walks up next to him and joins him, "its funny how through everything we've been through there's still beauty in this world"

"Yes there is." He replies he looks down from the sky and looks at her no women has ever looked as beautiful as she did right then and there. Her smile was brighter then the stars and her eyes darker then the sky, he could stare at her for hours but then tyreese calls for him bouncing him back to reality.


They walk in to the tent to see Sasha awake and doing well. Tyreese hugs her and then hugs Rick "Thank you." He says. Rick nodds "How you feelin?" he asks Sasha.

"I'm pretty good you know concitering everything I've been through today, Thank you Rick you saved my life"

"Your family its what we do." He replies


"Hey Ty you mind coming out to the lake to help me get some water for the group? " Daryl asks.

"Uh sure" Ty replies.
At the lake

"Hey I think I spotted a few rabbits across the river you ok on your own?" Daryl asks

"Yeah I'll be fine" Ty replies
Tyreese is getting water from the lake when he spots a walker up ahead "Just one I can take it. " He thinks to himself.
He runs up to the walker and slams his hammer into the side of its head when he turns around to head get Daryl there's a walker standing right in front of him before he has any time to think the walker takes a huge bite out of he neck
"Ahhh" Tyreese yells befor colapsing to the ground

"What the hell? Daryl submerges from the forest to find Tyreeses' lifeless body being eatten by a walker he shoots the walker in the head before looking at Tyreese "The good ones always die" He says outloud


"Every decreased friend is a magnet drawing us to another world."Father Gabrielle says quoting Eliza Cook. "I Can't believe he gone we just saved Sasha."Rick says. "It doesn't matter dad death finds us." Carl says

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