Until it was

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Since that day a week ago aurther and Merlin couldn't keep their eyes off each other. Nothing was official between them and neither of them had had much luck being flirty or starting conversations. It was all just highly awkward eye contact and on the rare occasion both Merlin and aurther had such butterflies in their stomachs when Merlin was dressing him, they where threatening to just come pouring out their mouths through words, yet it never did.

"Today you have the exact same schedual as yesterday, sire. First you have a meeting with the council, then training with the knights." Merlin said bowing his head as he drew the large, heavy curtains back, revealing a dusty beam of sunlight illuminating the princes skin so perfectly as his cute golden morning hair stood ruffled on his perfect head. Merlin had started to appreciate the princes beauty far more now-a-days right before he woke up and whenever he decided it was safe to Sapir a glance without looking suspicious.

"Merlin," grumbled aurther, talking but not quite awake.

Not long after, Merlin had aurther dressed (his favorite part) and fed ready for the council meeting. They where usually long and boring, especially for aurther who didn't really get to talk and just had to listen, but it was always worth it watching Merlin feebly stand in the corner with not much purpose and nothing to do. Aurther loved just waltching Merlin (in a totally non-creepy way) and daydream about the future together they could have. Of corse such future didn't exist - at least not in Camelot- but it was always a nice thought and escape from the rough life the prince lead.

After the long meeting it was settled that a small undercover party where going to leave Camelot in attempt to find Morganas location, it was one of arthers favorite times of the day - training with the knights. They had been doing drills all week, so aurther had planned a fun session. It was basically a mini toriment, to see who would beat aurther first, seeing as he was the best sword fighter there.

An hour in, there was a little break so the young pendragon could catch his breath. Merlin had been sitting on the same log since the beginning of the game, hating the sight of all the possible chances the prince getting hurt. His prince getting hurt. Gwaine had spotted merlins reluctant behavior on watching the sword fight and sat down next to him to cheer him up a bit. After some unsuccessful efforts Merlin finally had a cute smile on his face while gwaine strode off to get ready for the next battle.

Aurther had been sitting opposite them, making strict mental notes and mini bets with himself in his head and, after seeing Merlin laugh that sweet little giggle, got up, a ball of rage and furry growing in the pit of his stomach. It grew like fire as he leapt up to his feet.

"PRACTICE IS CANCELED. GO HOME!" he roared. Merlin imidiately looked up in confusion, as did many other people who where around watching. He stormed towards the castle, rage taking him over. Merlin jolted up, realizing it was his duty to be near aurther at all times.

Aurther swung the door to his chambers open as they slammed back on its hinges, Merlin not far behind at all. The door shut by itself, and as soon as it did, aurther made a sharp turn, anger and sadness swimming in his perfect, ocean blue eyes, heading straight towards Merlin.

Merlin tried to back up, but was stopped abruptly by the wall he was now pressed up on. Aurther showed no sign of stopping. He threw one arm up resting on the wall just above merlins left shoulder, trapping him from going anywhere.

"I want you, Merlin," he whispered. All the fear slowly eased away from merlins eyes, as a grin started breaking out across merlins perfectly shaped face.

"Is the, prince aurther, jelious?" Aurther immediately turned bright pink and quickly pulled his arm away, makeing Merlin regret his choice of words on the instant. Aurther started moving back, trying to wrack his brain for a good excuse.

"Merlin, I-I-," Merlin grabbed him by the collar of his armor and pulled him  into a passionate kiss they had both been waiting for for a very long time. Aurther quickly got over his shock and started kissing him back. Kissing the love of his love back. It was a battle for dominance with such aggression and unsaid feelings, it made them both weak in the knees. Finally, Merlin decided it was time to breath, as humans do. They where both breathing heavily as they smiled, eyeing each others lips. Merlin gave a small laugh in aurther mouth over the absurdity of this all.

"So does this mean-" aurther pulled him back into another kiss to answer.

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