Extra Information And Part 1

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Extra information:

In mind control quirk it can also manipulate brainwaves without the person noticing it.

Spider quirk has regeneration.



Izuku's POV:

Why!? Why!? Why?! Why!? Why did the heroes killed my mother? Heroes save people right? Or is it what i only believed?

"Mom...." I cried and cried until no one's left or so what i thought.

"Oii! Deku" said by my bully. He bullied me cause I'm quirkless. I looked at the dark seeing glowing red eyes and a hand reaching on me.

"k-ka-kacchaann.." I said to this person in front of me.

BOOM!! He used his quirk on me.

"Don't call me kaacchan me you fucking asshole" He shouted in front of me while making explosion in his hands. "Why don't you follow your mother, If you have the guts to do it! HAHAHAHA" he said to me while making an explosion blasting me to the wall giving me a wound in my face. Then he leaves without saying sorry.

If only i had a quirk. Then i feel my consciousness fading.


"Where?" I asked myself. Looking in the mirror seeing my reflection where my wound in my face is gone.

Did I have a quirk? I feel my senses enhanced like i can see everything around me in detail.

I will find out about this quirk and take my revenge on you Katsuki Bakugo.

Time Skip : 1 months.

Izuku's POV:

"YAHOOOOOO!!!!" I shouted swinging around an abandoned city. I found out about my quirk it's a spider quirk. I will train and train till i become strong. I will find out about what hero's really do.

Time skip : 1 n half year.

After 1 and a half year of mastering my quirk, I found out that i had another quirk (let's just say that he found out about it just now).

It's mind control quirk. I will practice this quirk and become strong. Strong to defeat everyone. I will practice this quirk secretly as my secret weapon.

Time skip : 1 year.

I got captured by eraserhead, Midnight, and PresentMic.

"Nezu has this villainrehab program if your under 18 so you have 2 choices join the program or go to jail?" said Eraserhead while other heroes are watching.

"I guess this villainrehab program shit is a better choice than the other one" I said while rolling my eyes.

"Okay you'll be in class 1-a" Eraserhead said.

The heroes took me away and has put an quirk erasing collar on me but this won't work because you already brainwashed Eraserhead. Everything went according to plan. I got into UA. I planned this from the start. I brainwashed Eraserhead so that he cant disobey me.

And Now.

I can have my revenge on you Katsuki Bakugo.

Im not really good in writing a story so please point out mistakes and give some tips. Thanks :).

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