LeviHan's Easter

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"Levi!" Hanji called.

"What?" Levi replied.

"It's Easter! We should do something!" Hanji said.

"Why? It's a holiday for children," Levi replied.

He did have a point. Easter, was mainly for hiding candy filled eggs for children to find. What were two grown ass adults going to do?

"Well we could have our own egg hunt or make Easter baskets!" Hanji said.

"I'm not too big a fan of sweets," Levi replied.

Hanji flopped on his lap.

"You're no fun!" she whined.

"We aren't children idiot," Levi replied.

Hanji pouted and had little tears in her eyes.

"Okay! Fine!" Levi said.

"What do you want to do?"

"Well, let's get a basket of candy and then we can cuddle on the couch and watch a movie!" Hanji replied.

"....All right," Levi said.

"But LIMIT your sugar intake."

"Come on! It's one of the few days where I can splurge on eating candy or chocolate!" Hanji whined.

"Okay, okay!" Levi said.

"But only for today."

"Yahoooo!" Hanji exclaimed.

Levi smiled slightly. He liked seeing her happy. Hanji grabbed her jacket and purse.

"Where are you going? I thought we had Easter fun to do?" Levi asked.

"I need to get some Easter candy and chocolate bunnies and baskets!" Hanji said.

"I'll be back before you know it!"

Levi looked in the freezer.

"While you're there, can you pick up some strawberry cheesecake ice cream?" he asked.

Hanji blinked and stared at him.

"You like THAT flavor of ice cream?" she asked rather surprised.

"Yes," Levi replied.

"That's interesting..." Hanji muttered.

"What are you mumbling about?" Levi said.

"Just never took you for a strawberry cheesecake type person, especially in ice cream," Hanji replied.

"I bought it on a whim thinking that it was a weird flavor you might like," Levi said.

"It was like 3AM one night and I had a craving for something sweet, yet the only thing we had was that ice cream. Figured might as well try it and turned out it wasn't terrible. I still prefer a more simple one but if we're going to have a movie night, thought we could have that ice cream."

Hanji kissed his cheek.

"You're too cute," she said.

"Tch, I'm not cute." Levi grumbled, his cheeks a bit red.

LeviHan EasterWhere stories live. Discover now