Chapter 6: Simple Science.

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I stacked the last book in the library and double-checked that I wiped the surveillance of me leaving through the back door during the week. It was a cool Saturday. The sun had just begun to set as I grabbed my jacket and backpack to leave.

Ms. Sanderson was snoring away behind her desk. She would always deny she was sleeping whenever I caught her so I would pretend never to notice anymore. "Ms. Sanderson. I'm leaving now will I see you at the school's charity fair later?" I asked as I walked to the door.

The snoring stopped. "What uh, yes," she said sitting up with a guilty smile on her face, "What was that Himari?"

I smiled. "Are you coming to the fair?"

"But of course," she said in excitement, "I have a hankering for kettle corn and my boys promised they'd take me."

The library door opened from behind me and it was Wyett. "Oh hey heading off to your school thing?" He asked and Weylin walked past me without glancing in my direction.

"Yeah, I'm taking my sisters."

He nodded."Cool, cool see you there."

I jogged home and my sisters were ready and waiting in the living room.

"What took so long?" Akari asked.

"Don't sass me kid I got a job to do," I said and fell to the couch. All my sisters stared at me with irritation on their faces. I sat down just to annoy them because I knew how excited they were to go.

"Himi," they all whined and I smiled.

"What?" I asked and they clicked their tongues at me.

"Fine, where's Sofu?" I asked and stood up again.

"He's in the kitchen," Sakura said.

I walked into the kitchen to find my grandfather having a cup of tea while he did the sudoku on the newspaper. "Sofu we going to the fair at school. Are you sure you don't want to come?" I asked again hoping he had changed his mind since the last three times I asked.

He chuckled. "Himari I should be ever so lucky that my granddaughters aren't ashamed to be seen with me."

"Nothing is embarrassing about you Sofu. You one badass grandpa that's for sure."

"Is that your way of goading me into giving you the car keys?" He asked with a quirked eyebrow and I smiled sheepishly. I got my driver's license when I was sixteen. All the money I got from winning matches in the arena went towards my car fund.

"Is it working?" I asked and he chuckled and tossed me the car keys and I caught it with one hand.

"Those reflexes are still lightning fast," he praised.

"Yeah, I learned from the best."

"Himari you already got the car keys you can stop with the compliments now." He smiled and turned back to his newspaper.

"I mean it Sofu. I'll see you later."

"Drive carefully. Remember No drugs, no booze, and no boys," he called after me.

I laughed. "Then how are we supposed to have any fun."

He gave me a stern look and then broke out into a smile. "Have fun." He shook his head and I turned to leave the kitchen.

All my sisters piled into the SUV and I got into the driver's seat. It was very rare that my parents allowed me to drive their car. "Alright seat belts all of you," I told them and I watched through the review mirror as Sakura, Yui and Sara put on their seat belts. Akari was sitting upfront with me since she called shotgun. "You too Akari," I told her and she sighed and buckled on her seat belt.

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