Chapter seven

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It was around 4 in the morning when Aria started to wake up. She had trouble going to bed that night due to nerves for the upcoming mission. If something went wrong, the team would think that she planned it and all hope of being free was lost. Not only this, but she had to prove to Fury and the team that she was trustworthy.

Groaning, she rolled onto her back in her bed and slowly opened her eyes. The sun was only peeking above the horizon, but due to the fact that one entire wall in her room was glass, it let a good amount of light in, thus waking her up. 

She had to be at the Quinjet by 5:30 at the latest. Deciding to shower quickly before going on her mission she pulled out her outfit for the mission. Selecting her usual leather jacket, black jeans, a white t-shirt, and combat boots, she laid them out on her bed. Before heading to the bathroom, she grabbed her knife from when she first arrived and set it on top of her outfit.

In order to wake up, she didn't turn the water to burning hot like she usually did. Instead it was the temperature that takes your breath away when you first stand under the spray of water. This tactic proved to be quite effective for when she got out, she was ready and energized for the mission.

Pulling her wet hair into a side braid, she donned her outfit, tucked her knife into the left pocket of her jacket and headed outside to the kitchen. By this point it was around 4:30 and pretty much no one was up. Walking silently in the kitchen, she saw a silhouette in front of the fridge, but because their back was towards her, she couldn't see who it was. 

Silently walking in, she pulled her knife out of her pocket and threw it so it embedded itself into the wall right next to the person's head. With a shriek, the person turned around and she was surprised to see it was Tony. Usually the billionaire wasn't up until 9, so needless to say, it surprised Aria when she saw it was him.

With a terrified look on his face Tony said, "Please don't kill me!" with his hands raised. This was when Aria got a good look at his face. It looked like he hadn't slept in days. His usually composed self had a rat's nest of hair and massive bags under his eyes. Briefly, she wondered what could have caused such sleeping problems.

Sighing, she walked to where her knife was and pulled it out of the wall. "Jesus, Aria. Do you go around throwing knives at everyone you see? Actually, don't answer that. I don't know if I want to know." Rolling her eyes, she tucked her knife back into her pocket and replied, "Only those up at 4:45 in the morning who aren't usually up this early." 

At this comment Tony's shoulders deflated a little bit and he slumped into a chair at the counter. "Yeah well, constant dreams about your girlfriend tends to cause sleep problems. God I could go for a drink right now." "Well, what's stopping you?" "Hmm, maybe the fact that it's not even five in the morning?" "Yeah, well, then you owe me a drink." With that comment, Aria left him alone to his thoughts and headed to the hangar not wanting to be late.

When Aria arrived at the hangar, she saw Natasha checking her weapons and making sure everything was set for the mission. Touching her neck, she made sure the feather necklace was tightly secured around her neck and wouldn't fall off during the mission. The last thing she needed was her powers getting out of control and accidentally injuring someone.

Pulling her knife out of her left thigh holster, she examined it and made sure it was sharp enough. Gently running her finger across the blade, she was assured when it left a small cut on the tip of said finger.

"Wow, injured before the mission even starts." Natasha looked at her with her piercing green eyes. "Yes well, I didn't want to be cut from the Avengers on my first mission." Aria winked at the redhead and strapped the knife back into its correct place. Heading onto the jet, Aria examined the space.

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