Chapter 18. the auction

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(Feitans pov)
When i woke up i saw y/n laying next to me, she was still asleep. She looked so beautiful and vulnerable, i was lucky to have her. 'Y/n wake up' she slowely opened her eyes and smiled at me, 'good morning Feitan'. Good morning beautiful, sleep well? She nodded and i gave her a kiss. I looked at the clock 9:00 am. Shit y/n we have to get up, we're leaving for the auction in half an hour. We got up and ate a quick breakfast then we made our way to York New city for the second time this week.
*we arrived in York New*
'Feitan y/n you guys come with me, Shizuku and Franklin, Hisoka and Machi you guys come with Phinks and Shalnark. The rest of you go last' Chrollo said, hewas making groups for us to go inside. Once we were all inside the plan was for Phinks, Hisoka, Machi and Shalnark to kill security. Paku, Uvogin, Bonolenoy (mummy man), Nobunaga and Kortopi to steal the legacy/treasure. Me, y/n, Chrollo, Shizuku and Franklin would take care of the guests.

(Chrollo's pov)
*thoughts* It had been fun these last few days, y/n joined the troupe and we went on missions, but today that would change. Today the y/l/n auction would find place, honestly it was impressive how y/n had pretended to be someone else the whole time. Y/n y/l/n what were you planning. I made sure that Feitan and y/n came with me so i could keep an eye on them.

(y/n pov)
This morning before we left Feitan and i thought of a plan, when the auction would start we would sneak to the back and pretend for the y/l/n treasure. *Ofcourse it wasn't there cuz the treasure was my nen ability* so we would go to Chrollo and tell him it wasn't there. A simple plan, the only thing we had to do was make sure the Troupe wouldn't find out it was my nen they were looking for.

Hey y'all, so i had a really bad writers block, that's why i haven't updated earlier. I made this chapter short so i can focus on the next. I think the next one will be up in the next 1/2/3 days! Have a great day don't forget to drink and eat something :) YOU ARE LOVED AND APPRECIATED

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