Love Bites: one shot

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Peter blames himself for his constant rapid heartbeat. His heightened senses alerted him whenever your small heels clicked off of the compound's polished floors. His cheeks flushed, almost as red as the new suit Tony had you working on, as he watched you round the corner towards the lab.

You were wearing a pair of high waisted dress pants. The thick, brown material was covered in a dogtooth pattern, adding professionalism to your otherwise casual attire. You had tucked in a navy blue blouse that sat behind a black belt. God Peter hated that blouse. The deep neckline always attracted his gaze whenever you passed by, or called him over to take measurements for his new suit. He knew you did not do it on purpose, because you never left a single button undone. He knew due to the numerous times he counted the buttons that was the only thing concealing you from him. There were six.

Soon Peter had found himself standing outside of the lab's doorway, the atmosphere inside felt different today. Almost urgent.

"And don't you touch it until I come back," he heard Tony's voice direct you as the lab door slid open, allowing him to come face to face with Peter. Tony rolled his eyes, not wanting to have to babysit two nineteen year olds, "both of you behave," at this remark, Tony had blown his cover, attracting your y/e/c eyes. They pierced him, just as they did when he first met you.

Peter remembered the day Tony had first told him to behave himself. Tony was joking of course, Peter Parker had no game, just sweaty palms and a bottomless pit of Star Wars knowledge. Before he could question Tony, he heard your heels clicking for the very first time, a noise that he would soon memorize perfectly.

It was the summer after senior year of high school and Peter had just broken up with MJ. The two high school sweethearts were going to colleges across the country, both realizing, the sooner the breakup the better.

That was the first night he thought about you. And every night after.

"Are you coming in," Your voice brought Peter back to reality. Your tone was laced with irritation, making him step inside the lab quickly. He did not want to upset you, he was just too busy focusing on you visually to focus on your verbal messages, "what's up with you," your tone softened as you returned his gaze, "you seem more twitchy than usual,"

"Twitchy," Peter asked, his gaze dropping to the floor out of embarrassment. Is that how you really saw him?

Twitchy? Weird?

You smiled, eyes focused on him almost endearingly as your hands wrote down a few notes, "Sorry," you cleared your throat, your voice weakening.

Peter looked as awkward as the first time Tony had introduced you to him. Peter must have just gotten back from training or a fight, his curls fell against his forehead in a light sweat. He was breathless as he spoke to you, his sweaty chest rising and falling, clothed in a thin grey shirt. You were screwed.

"It's fine," Peter spoke quietly, trying to clear the air, but easily failing, "so what does Mr. Stark not want us messing with," a tiny, devilish smile crossed his lips which were still pressed in a nervous line. He craved your attention, making countless, pointless conversations ever since he met you.

"This," your voice was low as your gaze fell from his lips to a white sheet that was spread over a plexiglass case. Removing the sheet, you allowed the low light of the lab to permeate the thin plastic. Almost as if the light had awakened it, a large bug began to shake itself out, as if to make itself look larger than it was, "Tony found it on whatever planet they came back from,"


Peter was surprised by the first name basis, but you were Tony's intern, right hand woman in the lab. Something about that sent off sparks in him. You were smart enough to get an actual Stark internship, unlike his, "Weird," Peter shook the thoughts of you out of his mind, reaching towards the glass, you stopped him, wrapping your small hand around his wrist. Jumping from your sudden touch, Peter turned, elbow knocking over the case, "Sorry, sorry," he spoke a mile a minute, "I didn't mean that, I'm not normally-"

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