Family Issues (Tommy) Part 1

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Tommy sat in the corner, rubbing his temples. He was just so fucking tired. Every single day, his parents would come home and fight. Honestly, they would turn it on him. Though, they never got physical. They would call him slurs, degrading names, and say just truly awful things about him. Not a bruise on his body, but he was in a lot of pain. 

With his head in his hands, he turned his head to see his door swing open. His parents walked in there, looking furious. 

"What the fuck, Tommy? Are you an idiot?" His mom growled.

"I-" Tommy studdered.

His dad took a step towards him. "Why the fuck can't you just be a good kid? We raised you right, why the fuck are you like this?" His parent glowered at him before leaving his room. 

Tommy just sat there. He said nothing; his eyes were just wide open. Tommy had heard much worse things, but they came into his room just to say that? They really mean it then. His eyes filled with tears, and his head pounded. Hearing nothing except his breath, Tommy's thoughts were racing. Listening closely, Tommy heard his front door shut, meaning his parents were finally gone. 

Practically running out of his room, Tommy ran to the kitchen. He couldn't deal with these emotions; they were just too much for him. 

Tommy approached the knives and picked out the sharpest one he could find. He had to. He needed to. Do it. Now.






37. There were 37 new cuts on his arms. Tommy wasn't done quite yet. Pressing the tip of the blade into his skin, he carved WEAK, FAILURE, DISSAPOINTMENT. He was absolutely amazed by the red liquid running down his arm. It felt so... warm. So comfortable. It just felt right. The stress was gone (for the most part). 

Truly realizing what he had done, Tommy set down the bloody blade and ran upstairs to wrap them. Tommy winced as he disinfected the wounds, and wrapped them with a cheap gauze bandage. They hurt so badly, but it was nice. He deserved that pain after all. He was a disappointment: a disgrace. He deserved every single bit of what was happening to him. 

Tommy gave up and headed back to his room. There was no point in staying in the bathroom. His parents were bound to be home anytime now. Tommy just gave up and started up his stream a little earlier than normal. He might as well; after all, he was really quite bored. 

Tommy was chatting and laughing loudly with Tubbo as he heard a knock on his door. "I'm streaming," he shouted back. That didn't seem like that was going to stop them this time. Quickly, Tommy ended stream and turned his face cam off in discord. Wilbur just popped in as he heard Tommy's parents. 

"Tommy, we got a call from the school today. Apparently, you decided to just not go. Is this true?" His dad growled. 

"Well... yes. I already had all the schoolwork done. I felt a little sick was all," Tommy managed. 

For the first time, Tommy's dad slapped him. It was a hard slap, so Tommy ended falling to the floor. 

"Be grateful, brat," his mom took a step towards him. "We chose to keep you. Maybe we shouldn't. You're worthless; don't forget that." They left as angrily as they had come in, leaving a quiet, crying teen on the ground. Wiping the tears from his face, Tommy stood up and went back over to his desk. He took a big gulp of water, hoping that would clear the cracks from his voice. "Hey, guys. Sorry, my parents wanted to talk to me," Tommy said, trying to sound relaxed. 

"Tommy," a soft voice whispered, "are you okay?"

Tommy forced a laugh. "What was what Wil?"

Glancing anxiously at the camera, Wilbur muttered, "your mic wasn't muted. Tubbo and I heard everything they said."

Tommy said nothing and just stared. He.... forgot? How the hell did he forget? Now they know. Now they'll hate him. They'll call him useless and a disgrace too. Visibly shaking, Tommy tried to calm himself. "Ah, don't worry about it. They were just joking is all. But I have to go now."

Wilbur tried to protest, but Tommy left the call immediately. As soon as he left, he started to panic. He didn't know what to do. Still panicking, Tommy laid in his bed and curled into a ball. Maybe these thoughts would leave him alone soon. He just wanted peace. That's it. Peace. Tommy smiled sadly, knowing what needed to happen. 




AN- Haha, I'm leaving it here. There will be another part, but who knows when it will come out. Also, I need suggestions for more one-shots. I do pretty much any dream SMP character, and angst-wise, I'll write almost anything. It needs to be appropriate. (840 words)

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