Chapter 00

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A/N: this is the first chapter of this book so tell me what you think of it. If you have any ideas on how the reader should act a bit differently but keeps the same concept then please do tell.

Also! The idea for the reader is not my own I have gotten permission from the original author of the idea, Diamondragon23 
So Please check them out! But if you are look for the book it's Bnha. So a whole nother fandom.

Any ways enjoy!
"A monestary?! You expect me to learn to fight in a place of peace!" Kai exclaimed.

"Not fight, Train. In Order to become a true Ninja you need to be able to see what others do not" Sensei Wu explained.
The elder walked over to a dragon statue and flipped the head up and pressed the button underneath.

Suddenly training equipment was revealed.

"Whoa! Is this gonna teach me the cool move?" Kai asked amazed as he hopped up on one of the wooden training poles.

Sensei Wu could only watch in worry.
"Oh dear..."

The pole lowers a bit the shoots back up quickly launching Kai to the dragon symbol, then he falls back on the ground.

"Complete the training course before I finish my tea. Then we will see if you are ready."
Sensei Explained before slurping his tea down quickly.
"Today you have failed, tomorrow you will try again"

Kai looks at Sensei wu in confusion, "Failed?! But I didn't even start to-"

Sensei closes the doors of the monetary, "Patience"
'For the next couple days, Kai trains, but doesn't meet master Wu's expectations, making master wu fail him over and over again'

Kai steps up to the training course with a determined look. As he stared the training course we threw a small wooden dagger at master Wu's cup.

The cup fell out of sensei Wu's hands as he struggled to quickly pour a new cup of tea. But soon realized the Kai wasn't on the training course anymore.

"Was that one sugar or two?" Kai suddenly asked, appearing beside sensei.

Sensei Wu, impressed with Kai's performance stands up and goes inside the side of the monastery.

"So when am I gonna learn this Spinjitzu I've been hearing about?" Kai asked him.

"You already have, your Final test begins Tomorrow" sensei replied before walking away. "My advice is to get some sleep"


That night Kai was preparing for bed thinking about what Sensei said, "my advice is to get some sleep".

Kai starts talking to himself, "Oh yea! Take this!" A mysterious figure with nunchucks enters the room unnoticed.
"And This!" Another mysterious figure enters the room unnoticed this time with a pair of Shurikens.
"And This!" Finally a mysterious figure enters the room with a scythe and Kai stumbles across him.

The three ninja ambush Kai, who realizes his situation.


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