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Avi slowly drove into the driveway,getting out of kirsties car and making his way to the door.

He could here little feet rushing down the stairs after they heard
the bell go.

To the girls surprise they weren't greeted by their mother but a strange man.
They didn't like him and felt a scary presence being near him.
They were scared by the way he caressed their cheeks whilst embracing them in a long hug after only meeting them right there and then.
But one thing for sure they really wanted to run when they saw his turning of the head smile. They called ...more like shrieked for their nan but before they knew it Avi firmly grasped them , trying to assure the girls with his voice, but his voice came out cracked and loud. They both screamed and kicked against his strong muscles, only to find themselves worn out and tired. They rubbed their throat hastily, suddenly sensing their stinging eyes. He covered their mouths with a white cloth, they slowly found their eyelids becoming more and more heavy until complete darkness surrounded them...

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