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I woke up the next morning in my bed, with no one home but George. 

I took a quick shower and ate breakfast with george. I walked over to snowchester because I had to babysit again. 

I knock on the door. No answer 

"TUBBO?" I yell 

"RANBOO?" I yell 

The door opens and I see ranboo. But just half of him. He was hiding the other half. 

"nows not a good time" ranboo says 

"What happened?" I ask 

"Uh- my enderwalk happened." He says 

I look at him and go inside. 

"where's tubbo?" I ask 

I see glass all over the floor

"He's with jack" he says 

"Okay, how about you go upstairs with Michael, and I'll clean this up" I say 

"Okay. I'm sorry" he says 

"You don't have to apologize dude" I say and he walks upstairs 

[For those of you who don't know, "enderwalk" is basically where ranboo sleeps walk and has no control over what he does in that time period. This is caused by dream we think.] 

I grab a broom and sweep up the broken glass. 

"OKAY RANBOO ALL SAFE" I shout upstairs 

He carries Michael down and he walks towards me. 

"alright I should get going thanks again y/n" he says 

"Nooooo" Michael complains 

"I'll be back tonight buddy" he says and walks out. 

Ranboo was incredibly tall. Like really really tall. 

"do you wanna play hide and seek?" Michael ask me 

"Sure! Ill count." I say 

He runs away and I begin counting 

"1, 2,3,4,5" I say and count in my head 

"Ready or not here I come!" I say loudly 

I walked around looking for him, and found him in a bin. We played a few more rounds before he got tired. 

We were watching tv when i heard knocking at the door. I get up and answer it. It was fundy 

"Hey fundy!" I say 

"Hey y/n! Is tubbo here?" He asks me 

"No hes with jack" I say 

"Ooh alright thanks" he says and walks away 

I got back to the couch and Michael was asleep. So I fell asleep too. 

When I woke up tommy was sitting on the couch next to us, playing with micheal 

"Finally you're awake" he says 

"Whatever what time is it" I ask him 

"Time for you to go home, I can watch him" he says 

"PFFFT- tommy I love you but, you're not exactly the best with kids" I say 

He walks over to the door and takes something out of a bag. It was one if those things that holds kids on your chest. He puts sunglasses on and puts Michael in it. 

"how about now?" He asks 

"fine, but I better not get complaints" I say 

He smiles at me and I walk home. I see my dad on the path 

 "Y/n! I've been looking for you everywhere" he says 

"Sorry I fell asleep babysitting" I say 

"Okay, but dream needs to talk to you, I think its about the book" he says 

We rush to the prison and go through security. I walk on the bridge and then there he was. 

"hi y/n" he says 

"What did you need?" I ask him 

"A favor." He says 

"Never would I ever do you a " favor" I say 

"Even if it involved George?" He asks 

"If you lay a finger on George I won't hesitate to rip you limb by limb" I say getting closer 

"Y/n, break me out. And I'll tell you what I know" he says 

"Absolutely not. Help you? By going against the people I love?" I say 

"I always thought we were best friends y/n." He says 

"Best friends? We were never close. Tommys my best friend" I say 

"Tommy? Him? You know he doesn't like you. He's just using you" he says 

"No dream that's where you're wrong." I say 

"Am I?" He says 

I grab the collar of his shirt and stare 

"Listen. I've never EVER considered you to even be a friend. If you touch anyone I love, I will kill you on the SPOT." I say and throw him 

He scoffs and gets up 

"You'll regret everything." He says 

"No. I won't." I say 

He glares at me 

"DAD! IM READY TO GO!" I shout 

"Y/n wait. I'm sorry" dream says 

"Sure you are" I say waking out of the cell 

I get out of the prison and walk to technos house. I knock at the door and he answers. 

"what up y/n?" He asks 

"Could I stay the night?" I ask 

"Sure. Just don't break anything" he says 

We walk in and he brings me upstairs, he pours me a cup of tea and sits down. 

"I want to ask you something." I say 

"What?" He asks 

"You'd be on my side if anything happened right?" I ask him 

"Depends what are we talking about?" He says 

"I was in the right to not break dream out right?" I ask 

"I mean yeah you'd have to go against your dad" he says 

"Thats what I thought, thanks techno" I say 

"No problem." He says 

I go to the bottom floor, and sleep there. ,

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