Chapter 7

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I decided to leave and I was met people with mixed feelings but they all had the same answer. I will leave when the master says I can. I asked if I could go out for air but even that was denied till he arrived. I complained that I felt like I was in a prison. He took my hand escorted me out to show me the dense woods before me. It was so cloudy and foggy that even if I tried to escape I would end up hitting trees and there was a glimpse of a huge mountain that I have never seen before. I am sure he brought me to a place that hosts only his followers. So even if I did escape I would be brought back here.
"Give her everything she wants except freedom." He said calm and composed. His shirt was dripping with blood. He had gone on a killing spree. "Who did you kill?" I said when I found my voice. "Witches" he said as if they were no more than a flock of sheep. I wanted to say something but he waved his hand to say he had other plans. I walked towards him and ended up walking through him. Mind mazing! He was in my head! I was outraged. He gave me a sad smile. "I will see you later when I have dealt with the ones responsible for your attempted murder. Until then rest peacefully. Don't contact James or William. I won't tolerate it." I gave him a nod and realized he is keeping me unconscious because he knows I will run away. He smiled and nod his head. He vanished and suddenly I was in a stable where handsomely dressed people were mounting their horses for an evening ride. I reached for one when I felt a hot knife severed me from the mind maze.
I opened my eyes to see a woman with scales dotted on her face staring down at me. She didn't say anything but I knew somehow she was here to rescue. She took my hand and immediately I camouflaged with my surroundings. She took me out through the labyrinth and out into a stream where she transformed into a mermaid. She grabbed my hand and she swam at the speed of light or is sound. Whichever it was she was swimming much faster than I could ever run. I tried to focus on keeping Dracula out of my mind as she brought me before James. He came and embraced me. Apparently, Dracula nabbed me when he first saw me. He put in layers of mind maze to make sure I won't escape. James tried to warn me but he almost went into a coma when he tried to get in my head. He was chatting with me when I saw Dracula's ghostly figure looming behind the seer. He was so angry he turned into a bat-like beast and said stuff that sounded like obscenities. He turned into bats and flew at me. I cried out and placed my hands to cover myself. William hugged me and asked what happened. I told him everything and he growled. His father came and smelled me. He declared me righteous and I was taken to see the council where for the next few hours I had to tell the story from start to finish on repeat.
I had PTSD by the time I got out of there. James was arguing with a group of blind women. They were as silent and still as statues. He kept screaming but it was like they were intentionally ignoring him. He spoke a different language. Then he picked up a couch and threw it at the wall. They just walked away from him like he wasn't even there. I hugged James and he rested his head on my shoulders and cried. A saw a ghost of Dracula leaning against the wall pursing his lips trying to figure out what to do next. He looked very angry that I was comforting James. But he collected himself as the legend that he is. He achieved his goals by compartmentalizing. He has patience that is frightening. Because when he sets a goal he looks at what is possible, what is difficult, what is easy, and what won't change no matter what he does before he attempts anything. He is trying to tether his mind with mine but the mermaids did a wonderful job so he can only sneak a peek. It will take him a while before he can get anywhere near what hold he had on my mind.
I watched as the seers' council argue in a language that was never heard of before. I looked around for answers and no one gave it to me. It felt like the air was getting thin so I walked out for fresh air. I sat on a bench with me facing the floor. I felt someone was poking me to look up so I looked around and saw no one. I looked up and felt curious about my surroundings. I walked towards the exit when a mermaid suddenly grabbed me and dunked my head into the water. She held me under till I stop moving. I wanted to punch her but William gave me a towel and explained that she washed the last remnant of the mind maze. "She had to wait till Dracula makes his move so she can remove him and block him. The barrier is built and steady now he can't get in unless you let him. So if he finds us it is officially your fault."

We vacated the property and moved to New York where James owns an apartment building where the entire residence is only the Defenders. I got to see the legends who I have studied as part of my initiation. The WayTang Brothers, Sasha Garin, The Smirnova Sisters and so many more. William and I are connected so he was kind enough to explain to me that this was a hotel disguised as an apartment building. The skyscraper was amazing to look at from the outside. But inside was indescribable. I was speechless at the beauty and majestic design of the decorum.

I was escorted to the Royal Suite. It had a safe room with reinforced steel. I was ordered to practice my fighting skill with William till I was ordered otherwise. He and I practice till we got bored and he stared at me for a moment and he kissed me. He carried me to his room and he was about to close the with his foot when we heard James came in exhausted. William made a face and he let me out. We asked him what happened and he looked at me and said nothing. I felt like   a fool as I followed him. And finally he turned and said, "The seer wants to make a trade. In exchange for you Dracula is willing to deliver the pearl of wisdom. The mermaids are our most loyal helpers. We owe it to them for all they have done. If we don't hand you over he will destroy it. The seer says we must get that stupid thing and I must not be ungrateful. You are an excellent bargaining chip to get whatever they want." I joked that maybe the seer he talked to has gone rogue. She wants to be healthy and live a long life just like us. He turned to take a good look at me and walked out without another word. William picked his phone and called his dad to have him confirm my theory. The woman in question was dragged unwillingly to the Fenris Wolves and they smelled her. They ripped her to shreds. The seers were brought before the Wolves and they spared some but the rest were killed. It turns out that have been betraying us in exchange for a chance to be a Desperdu. The few that were left behind didn't weep for the dead. They didn't forget their purpose so they just threw this moment like it was a bad thought and moved forward. The oldest of them smiled at me, "Dracula lied that he has the pearl of wisdom. It is in the Himalayan Mountain range." I thanked her and walked towards the twins. The father smelled me and asked me why I was with William when I was reserved for James. I blushed and ambled towards the library.
I sat down to read Wuthering Heights when a man walked towards me and wrote a note. This was someone who was under the control of Dracula. This guy was a total puppet. His eyes were empty and he only moved his head and arm by the order of Dracula. He wants to know if I will be going to get the pearl along with James and I shook my head and he wrote that I should go. I whispered I am not trained in case I meet Yuki Onna. He scribbled that she won't hurt me because she owes him a favor. I shook my head to say I am not interested in going. I owe the merpeople but I repay them but I will not go unless the seer says I should go. He scrawled that I should go because it is an excellent way to understand James better. After this trip I will change my mind about marrying him. I would choose him. This man had this creepy crazy smile on his face and was drooling repeatedly. When I said that I will think about it he got up and broke his own neck and fell to the floor. I shrieked and Alice came running towards me and the moment she saw the body she knew Dracula has people as puppets that he can flit into their mind just like a bodysuit. What should I do? Go or not go? Someone tell me!

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