Chapter 36

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I decided that I will go to Moscow for a change and see what the city has to offer. The place looked like it was taken from scene straight out of a fairy tale. Snow white or Cinderella might pop out from around the corner. My god! I didn't deserve to see this. Multi colored domes and even the train station looks like it belongs in a children's book. I walked around with amazement I thought maybe I should get a house from here. I wondered if Drake would happy or upset. I heard a chuckle. Sitting next to me was a smokey figure of Drake himself. He was happy that I think of him whenever I make important decisions. He casually mentioned that he had a palace in St Petersburg. If I wanted he could ask around and see if anyone is selling their castle or palace in Russia. I thanked my husband profusely. I decided that I should walk to the Red Square. I picked up the map and tried to find the quickest to get there.

I took a step in that direction when I felt a cold hand on my shoulders. I never felt anything like it before. I turned to see the Yuki Onna was the one who had the nerve to grab me. I asked her if she has a death wish. She asked me why I lied to her about Drake's wife when she was safe with the mermaids. I told her that it was to get my hands on the pearl of wisdom. I tried to think of a few ways to get it but it was the only idea that popped in my head that would ensure I would get out alive. She commended me for my brilliance. Then she waved her hand. I saw a snow all around me like a tornado. Suddenly I was in a cave with biting cold winds pushing its way in. She said I was her prisoner till she gets the pearl back. I simply smiled. I sat down and mentally called out to Drake but I couldn't reach him.

She closed the wrought iron gate and left to find someone who can help her retrieve it. Since the pearl was guarded by mermaids, dragons and a few other surprising creatures. I sat down to meditate so I could stop myself from getting hypothermia. I was focused on my memories and feeling. The next thing I heard was screams that would frighten even a psychopath. I saw that Yuki Onna was pleading with someone and that someone was not pleased that the pearl was in the hands of the mermaids. She kept saying that she will retrieve it she just needs time to find someone. She had already apprehended the person who duped her to hand over the pearl. She was beheaded and the person in question arrived to interrogate me.

He was a tall muscular guy. His hair and beard combined looked like a lion's mane. He had half a face, a wooden leg and one of his arms looked like it was bitten off. He asked me where I left the pearl. I told him that I can't tell him because I am bound not to tell anyone who has it but I can take them there. I am one of the few that can lead him to the pearl. I never promised to get him the pearl. I promised to take him to where it is. I remember where it is and who has it. I just can't tell him. He was suspicious but he remembered that this is the world of mythology. Someone could have done something to shut me up. So he felt like he had nothing to lose.

He happily opened the portal to skull island not knowing what the place holds. He knows that Dracula's wife is there so he asked me to be discreet. I happily escorted him to the cave. where Tiamat has her private chamber. Since the mermaids have a natural inclination to link with me they understood what was going on. They happily hid till he got into the throne room. I pushed him to the floor and the mermaids jumped on him. He managed to get some of them off him. When he saw Tiamat and he screamed. He asked me of all the mermaids in the seven seas what possessed me to hand the pearl to her. I happily explained that she is the one I gave the pearl to because she was the first mermaid I had the courage to talk to. I only brought him here to so he could be punished. He had the nerve hold me hostage and I want him to pay. He declared arrogantly, "You are just a nobody". I replied, "I am not a nobody. I am Dracula's wife". His face fell as he realized what he had done. He tried to run because it felt like he has fought her before. It was possible that she was the one that took a bite a chunk out of him. His face was enough to confirm it. He watched in fear as the they surrounded him so they can devour him. He screamed as he waved his cane to keep them away. With one final scream he became quite. This was the last of him. I extended my hand and she gladly accepted it. She wriggled my hand before she flit into my mind. She gave me an approving nod and went back to business.

I was in the beach wondering what I must face when I get home. I thought about what consequences I will face when I saw a smoky figure of Drake walking towards me. He was happy to see me alive. He sat me and asked why I had blocked him. I explained what had happened and he growled that someone had the nerve to take me. He swore retribution till I showed him the rest. His expression didn't soften even a little. I guess he was still overcome with rage. I asked him if I was going to get trouble. He explained that I had promised not to help him acquire the pearl so I am off the hook. I had only promised to bring him here so I won't be punished. He was not amused that I didn't mention that I was his wife sooner. I can see he still thinks that I don't trust him. He was sure that the guy would have let me go if he knew that I was married to Dracula. I tried to reason with him that this guy is less likely to believe me. He gave it some thought and asked me to come back to Castle Dracula. I asked him if he meant the tourist attraction. He looked at me like he was about to burst out laughing. He nod his head and a portal opened to take me to Bucharest castle.

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