Chapter Ten: The Phantom

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Warnings: swearing, guns, mentions of drugs

"He's pinched for sure." JJ mumbles.

"No," I whisper. "They wouldn't still be patrolling if they caught him."

"Let's hope." Kie mumbles

"You know, we were in that car." I bite my lip. "They're probably looking for us too."

"Well, if we're gonna be outlaws, we might as well help John B." Pope takes his hat off, scratching at his scalp.

"So, find him before they do?" I ask, watching as Pope gets up. "Pope?"

"I'm gonna get gas for the boat." Pope shoves his hands in his pockets.

"Hey, be careful." Kie hums. "Okay?"

"Meet me at the dock at three," Pope says. "Don't be late."

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"You sure he wasn't just being weird Pope?" I ask, standing with Kie.

"It wasn't really the kind of thing that needed interpretation." Kie sighs. "Is this enough food for them?" She asks JJ.

"I mean, for a couple of weeks, and that's all they need, so..." JJ nods.

"I think I actually hurt his feelings." Kie bites her lip.

"Look, don't beat yourself up too much." I hum.

JJ nods in agreement. "He's completely changed his feels. The past 24 hours have been like Jekyll and Hyde."

"I hate to admit it," Kie rubs her eyes. "But I miss the old Pope. At least I knew what to expect from him."

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"Home sweet home." JJ sighs, staring at his house.

I bite my lip, gripping the steering wheel of the van. "Do you want me to come? Cause I'll come." I whisper

"No," JJ whispers. "This will only take a second."

I nod, leaning over to kiss his lips sweetly. "Be careful."

JJ nods, slowly climbing out of the van. He sighs, trudging into the house. "Dad?" He calls, looking around.

Luke snores, shifting on the couch.

"Dad, I need the keys to the Phantom," JJ says louder. "Dad?"

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"There she be," JJ says proudly, gesturing to the boat. "Hey, girl." He smiles, walking deeper into the garage. "A 1983 Formula 402 SR1. The Phantom."

"It's a boat, J." I hum, crossing my arms over my chest.

"The first boat to make the run to Bermuda in under 16 hours, angel." JJ beams. "Forty years old. Forty! And still the fastest thing that Kildare's ever seen."

"It's kind of a junker." I tilt my head, my eyes flicking over the boat.

"Really?" JJ sighs. "She's right there, babe. She can hear you. Let's just put it this way. You would not be smokin' weed right now if she never existed, okay?"

"I just hope it runs." I sigh.

"Oh, no, she'll run all right." JJ hums. "She's faster than any cutters the boys in blue got."

"How you guys doin'?" A voice sneers from the doorway.

JJ and I turn slowly, coming face to face with Barry and Rafe.

Barry cocks his gun, smirking at us. "See, don't think I forgot about me and you on the side of the road. I'm here because I want my motherfuckin' money."

Rafe grabs me, wrapping his arm around my neck in a chokehold. "It's not you we want."

"Where's John B?" Barry growls.

"We don't know!" I shout, kicking Rafe in the shins.

"Don't touch her!" JJ growls, glaring at Rafe.

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"Where is he?" JJ asks nervously.

"Give him a second." I bite my lip. "He'll be here."

"He's coming. He'll be fine." Kie murmurs.

JJ nods, starting to untie the boat.

"No fucking way." I laugh, shaking my head.

"I'm sorry!" John B calls, hopping out of the police cruiser.

"You've got to be kidding me." I laugh.

"Shoupe let me take it for a spin." John B chuckles.

JJ rolls his eyes. "It wasn't easy, bro, but I got the Phantom for you, and she runs like she was made yesterday. You ready to go?"

"Where's Sarah?" John B frowns.

"She's not with you?" I frown.

"We got separated in the swamp. She said she'd meet me here." John B murmurs.

"We haven't seen her," I whisper.

"I'm not leaving without her." John B huffs.

"John B, look at me." JJ sets a hand on his shoulder. "I know you feel bad for leaving, but there's no time, man. You've got plenty of gas, plenty of food. Once you get around that point, it's a straight shot across the sound to Dismal Swamp, okay? Once you get there, lay low, all right? Hang out for a couple of weeks and then go overland, cross the border at Brownsville, you got that?"

John B nods, taking the keys from JJ. He steps up onto the bow. "I'm sorry for basically... throwing us off a cliff with this whole treasure hunt thing."

"Hey, John B, we were bound to run off a cliff at some point, right?" I smile sadly, tears gathering in my eyes.

"At least we did it together, though." John B sniffles. "Pogue style."

"Pogue style." Kie, Pope, JJ, and I say in unison.

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The next few hours were some of the most traumatizing of my life. Clinging to each other, the Pogues and I were hauled into a police car, driven to the tents set up on the beach.

There, we watched as police cutters sped after the Phantom, huge waves crashing against the boats.

I cling to JJ, watching in shock as the Phantom hits a wave, flipping over and landing upside down in the water. "John B!" I sob, my nails tearing small holes in the sleeves of JJ's shirt.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2021 ⏰

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Outer Banks Series Rewrite - A JJ Maybank x reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now