The Pathway.

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Okay so, I started writing this AGES ago... and I think I'll just post the first chapter online.. I only have two chapters, and if It gets enough votes, I'll carry on! I don't have a title though - so ideas are welcome. I'm just going to name it 'The Pathway' for now..



I walked down the narrow, enigmatic pathway, leading into a rather large eerie courtyard. I passed the frozen angels in a hurry, trying not to look at them. I couldn’t help myself, I stopped, and peered over the masterpiece. The three angels looked as if they had been turned to stone, when they least expected it - with those hollow eyes, which felt as if you could fall into, and never return. I jumped, feeling a slight pulling sensation in my head awning away from the statues. I stumbled along the path, gazing into the forest shrouding the land. I removed my glance and focused upon the stormy looking mansion before me. I let my thoughts drift, thinking of what beautiful wonders could lay behind that heavy door - or what terrible creatures lurked in the dark shadows of unoccupied rooms..

I blinked slowly, bringing myself to the world outside my head. Scanning the mansion, I realised the windows where glazed, and frosted, as if about to burst from their frames in terror. A rickety front porch with an unused swinging chair, washed white in colour appeared in front of me. I stumbled closer, and arrived 2 feet in front of the first dark wooden step. Then, almost as if by magic, the thunderous door ahead slowly by surely creaked open, sending a cold chill down my visible spine. From behind the shadows of the door, came the most solemn, yet, somewhat handsome, man I had yet to come across. His face was sincere, which caused a thrill of excitement to rise up and wash through my shivering frame. His hair draped down his forehead, like thick black daggers of ice. His eyes rested upon my face as I slowly raised my feet onto the first wooden step, hauling my heavy suitcase along with me. It was full of clothes, memories and warming presents. My mind wandered off, thinking of the treasures my suitcase held. Pictures of my parents. My eyes prickled, so I glanced down the young man, taking note of his attire. He was wearing a navy coloured shirt, with a pair of mismatching black trousers. His whole outfit was complete with a pair of hiking boots, and old wiry laces. He then moved his torso against the door frame, with a look of impatience on his face. That’s when I noticed his eyes. The description of his eyes could never be found in a book, but if they were, you couldn’t possibly imagine them to be this radiant.  They resembled a dark ruby colour, with hints of grey, orange and the softest touch of blue. His eyes may have well been painted by a god, brooding with bright colours but not enough space to show the full design. He then grunted, which pulled my mind back to reality. ‘Are you coming in or what?’ He asked. His words pierced the deadly silence around us. I nodded, then sauntered past him, though the small gap between him and the door. I tried hard not to stare or smell him as I shuffled past. I continued my way in, glancing about before I could react on him. I blinked mechanically as the gloominess and warmth somehow hit me together.



Yes, that was rather odd.. tell me if you like!

7 votes and I'll carry on..?

- Kayleigh Sykes.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2011 ⏰

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