A Runaway

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How long had I been asleep?

As I gathered myself and opened my eyes, nothing seemed different. The same familar hum of machinery underneath, and the patter of sewer rain against the lone window. Nothing had changed, the present drone remained. Silence was not present.

Just like that, a thunderous clanging of metal came from above causing me to jump. Wait no it sounded more like pots and pans or something. This was followed by an ever so familar voice. It was the librarian. Was he even the librarian, he looked the same age as me, but he did say no one had been here in months so its possible.

"Should I go see what's wrong?"

"No, I couldn't"

"But uh...oh fine"

I crept shyly to the door he disappeared into however long ago. With every step the floor creaked, and without realising I began to tip-toe, testing every floorboard to see if it would make a sound.

I tested the handle, and slowing pryed the door open, as I did rays of light cast my shadow into the library. Through the door a staircase of about 20 steps which I meticulously counted and tested, was to the left leading upwards into the room at the top. I could smell an aura of pure joy, as I sniffed all I could remeber is my mother, someone I hadn't seen for almost 10 years now. Oh I missed her cooking so much.

"Uh, what are y.....oh your up, its been a couple hours you know, thought it best to leave you be."

I was swiftly knocked out of my trance and was thrown back into the real world. I appologised for 20 seconds straight.

A few hours makes sense but still why didn't he wake me, its a library afterall not a motel.

"So anyways, I've made some food do you want some?"


"I'll take that as a yes then"

I quickly thanked him for another 20 seconds.

No-one had shown this much humanity since I left the surface.

I sat at the small wooden table, three seats and very old table. The room itself was small with just enough room for the kitchen aswell as the table. The kitchen gave a homely aura, probably due to its colourful interior, that contrasted the greyscale just outside its walls.

He handed me a plate with three onigiri and his smile hinted at sympathy.

"These are for you....... runaway."

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