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'Abi?! Why?! This is stupid, I shouldn't have to please the guests of the castle.' 'Well, little Leanne, remember when you said this was your castle, this was all your responsibility. Yes, now it's time to shine. Go with Mareya today, to the stalls, and buy yourselves some nice clothes.' 'Abi-' 'Come on now, or I'll make you wear that green dress from last year.'

I cringed, before finally coming out of my seat. I gestured towards Mareya, and she followed me to my room. Helen walked in, eating an apple. 'Vay, vay, vay, did Nikola finally get you to leave the castle? Aw, cheer up, we've got guests tomorrow night, and you're the host. I'll get the guards to take you, because Nikola wants to talk to me and some commanders.' 'Wait. You're not coming? Ugh, this is a pain, just like my brother.' The door opened, revealing my maid, Mareya.

'Bayan'im, the horses are ready, and I prepared your horse, Kader. She is in the stable.' 'Thank you, Mareya. Helen, I have to go now before my brother finds me here. Have a good day.' I nodded at her, before pulling on my coat. I followed Mareya out, and saw my horse grazing on some hay.

'Kader! Kader'im!' I took my horse's rein, and hugged her neck. She nuzzled my neck, and munched on a few of my hairs. 'Kader! That's my hair, you silly horse. Love you, still.' I mounted her beautiful saddle, which I had personally made for her. Her mane whipped onto my face, and blinded me for a few seconds, but I brushed it away, when I saw a person- a man- walking towards another horse. I had never seen him before, but he had his hair pulled back into a braid. He had full lips, but the thing that struck me the most, was his eyes.

They were bluer than the sky, blue like the ocean. He kept his stare on my eyes, and I blushed, looking away. When I looked back, he was gone. I had to admit to myself, he was handsome. And I really wanted to see him again. But I kept my thoughts ahead, as Mareya called me for the third time.

'Bayan'im, you seem lost in thought. What is it?' 'Nothing, Mareya, don't worry. Let us get those dresses before my brother makes me wear that green one, which made me look like vomit.' I chuckled along with her, as we pushed our horses forward, only to then be stopped by my brother and Flatyos. 'Abi? Where are you going? We still have to set tables and all that-' 'We have an important...matter...to attend to. Don't worry, my sister, I'll be back shortly. We will be removing an unused and useless part of our community. You and Mareya just go and buy the necessary items from the bazaar, ok? Good, see you.'

They left, and I scowled after them. He is so annoying at times, but I guess it's the perks of being a money spoiled brat. As much as I loved my brother, I hated him all too much for his violent attitude to some certain aspects in our lives. As we rode on our horses towards the bazaar, my thoughts were filled by an ocean colour, constantly reminding me of that man. Maybe, one day, I'll find out who he is.

We finally arrived at the market place near my castle, and we left our horses in the stables. The stablesman took our horses whilst we trudged towards the market. I stopped at the stall I usually bought my clothes from, and shuffled through the cloths on the stand. A beautiful purple dress caught my eyes, and I motioned for Mareya to pick it up. She placed it against me, and the shopkeeper, Enna, cooed. 'Why, Princess, that dress is absolutely gorgeous on you. The gold brings out your beautiful smile, and the purple just leaks your regality.' 'Please, Enna'm, how much is it?' I gestured for Mareya to bring out my purse. 'Oh, what are you saying, my princess, I cannot ask of money from you. Have it for free, call it a favourite customer discount.' 'Really, Enna, please-' 'I insist, Bayan'im, take it.' After a few moments of complaining, I finally accepted the gift, but still paid for other materials.

We finally returned to the castle, after a long day of shopping for the next night's dinner. After that, we got news that Nikola had killed Tekfur Alexis, and taken over Inegol Kalesi. I rolled my eyes, whilst unplaiting my hair. My curls flopped over my back, as Mareya brushed through them.

'Bayan'im, tomorrow is a very important for you. You'll be showing all the Tekfurs how capable you are, and proving that you can really take care of Kaveri. How do you feel, hm?' I turned towards her, sighing. 'Ah, Mareya, Mareya, Mareya. My brother and everyone expects so much from me, and I'm not sure if I'm up for it, you know. All my life, I've been told to smile and look nice, and now look at me. I'm leading a whole castle. Nothing in life could have prepared me for this point, nothing I say. I can only ask Yuce Sezar for help, and I'm not sure that's going to either. Mareya,' I laid my head on her shoulder, 'Nikola believes in Ceaser because he was so important to Rome. And Nikola wants to rule Rome one day, blah blah blah, but for me, Ceasar isn't anything. And nor is Jesus.' Mareya sighed. 'Well, if you don't believe in those, you'll surely find your own place. And know this, Bayan, I'm always behind you.'

Sleeping that night was the best of my life. Now, I just had to not mess it up the next day.


Another chapter! Next one will be her dinner, where she proves she can rule Kaveri. Lygsm ♥️ vote and comment. Cya next time!

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