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Robyn hated Hogwarts. She could study for hours on end and still get the worst grade in the year. Little did she know, this term she wouldn't need to study at all.

Her inky black hair swayed as she walked down the aisles of the Hogwarts Express. "Pucey" Goyle called from inside a compartment. She huffed before trailing after her brother to reunite with the infamous Slytherin Clique, for the unknowingly last time.

Robyn took a seat next to Draco Malfoy, opposite Millicent Bulstrode.

"How was your summer?" She asked Blaise. It was clear the boy had a dysfunctional family. "It was alright, you?" He lied, the two were close enough that she could see straight through him. "Mine was good" Milli butted in.

Pansy slid open the compartment door, her face lighting up a the sight of her friend. "Robyn!" she squealed, shoving the boys legs together, scrambling to sit next to the girl.

The difference between the two is that one loved affection while the other longed for it.

The Pucey family didn't get along. Their father devoted his life to the Dark Lord while her mother stayed home, sipping on alcohol all day.

Pansy's mother cherished her daughter. The girl was an only child in an empty manor. Luckily, she grew up close to her mother. Her father didn't care much for her though.

Pansy pulled the stiff girl into a hug. Once she let her go, a little box was placed into her hands. "I would have given it to you on the actual day but -" Pansy babbled on. "Thank you" Robyn gave her a meaningful smile, she didn't get many gifts.

Her slender fingers slowly opened the green, silver patterned box. It was a silver chained necklace, a dainty circle with an angel imprinted to it. Pansy sat there, nervously watching her "open it."

Robyn flicked it open with her fingernail. Inside there was a photo of the two at a Slytherin Quidditch match, pearly smiles that reached their eyes and green face paint plastered over them. "Thank you so much" she admired the photo. Pansy held a proud expression, she only ever spent her own money on Robyn.

"Put it on for me" she asked her friend. Unexpectedly, Draco initiated for her to tun around. He was her friend, not close though. She switched her position to the side, suddenly becoming very nervous.

Pansy dropped the necklace in his hands, he carefully draped it around her collar bone and clipped it at the back. There was a split second of silence until they both snapped out of it.

"Looks good" Theo complemented her. Pansy had always loved Theo. She tried to convince herself otherwise but came to terms with it in the end. Theo didn't love her back though.

Blaise stood up, claiming he was going to the bathroom - everybody knew that was a complete lie.

While the group were sat conversing about whatever came to mind, Robyn couldn't help but notice Draco's hidden glances towards her.

Weird. The two barley spoke. He seemed to avoid interacting with her.

Adrian passed her the familiar Slytherin robes. While on her way to the bathroom, Blaise passed her; holding a Squibbler paper.

"Nice one" she quirked a brow to the flushed boy, "shut it" he smirked.

She stood in the cramped stall, her lanky arms hit the sides when lifting her shirt from her head. Her school blouse was tight, wrapping around waist defining her curves. This year she decided to ditch the tights and stick to stockings, her skirt rested around the middle of her thighs.

The lock clicked, she walked out only to walk into someones rock hard chest. "Watch where you're going Robyn" Draco looked down on her. His hands rested on her waist, moving her to the side.

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