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The girls were sat at breakfast, each chomping down on bacon strips till the boys joined them.
The sun shone through the gaps in the curtains, the air was chilly but the hall was warm.

"You guys look fine" Goyle huffed, sliding down the bench. "Maybe because we didn't drink all the alcohol" Robyn layered the bacon in a bread roll.

Adrian watched her and smiled, "I remember those" he laughed while doing the same thing. "Remember what?" Theo sat down next to Millicent.

"Our mum used to make them for us" He told the group, "yeah, it's a bacon butty" Robyn gave them a proud smile and showed them.

A few seconds later, the whole group then made one. Robyn wanted to sit there and cry. But a Pucey was never permitted such weakness. No one in that group had seen either twin cry out of sadness.

"This is really good" Pansy ate, eyes closed from being still half asleep. "What are we all doing?" Draco sat in the space next to Blaise.

"Robyn's mums creation" Pansy held out her sandwich, he grabbed it and bit into it. "Not bad" he sat back down with her food and carried on biting it.

"So are you guys going to Quidditch practise?" Daphne asked the boys while sipping on some juice. "Well, it's the practise for the tryouts" Theo corrected her.

"They're the same thing, are you going or not?" The boys nodded, initiating they were.

Professor Snape then stood up from his chair and hurried out of the Great Hall. Draco stood up from his seat and 'discreetly' followed him with a stressed out expression.

"Someone go after him" Blaise buttered another piece of toast. When no one stood up, Robyn felt like she had to.

"Go on then" Goyle rushed her. She rolled her eyes and tried to follow his footsteps. Why had no one else wanted to go after him? She doubted he'd want to see her, what if he was doing something and was completely fine?

She nervously walked down the hall. She saw his hair come back around from an arched corner. Robyn kept walking as if she wasn't out to follow him. When she thought she'd done it, he walked past her and gripped onto her wrist.

He pushed her into the wall, slotting his hand on it before her head could smash against it.

"Following me were you?" He snarled at her, back to his usual self. "I was just seeing if you were okay" she didn't struggle nor stutter. Draco was irritated she wasn't as affected as others would have been.

"And why would you do that?" She thought that question was stupid, he spoke as if no one had ever asked if he was okay. "Because you're my friend?" Robyn half questioned.

"Our friends didn't check up on you though did they?" His face got closer to hers. "What?" She hadn't a clue what he was talking about.

"About ten minutes ago, you sat there miserably eating" his head tilted. "And why do you care?" She spoke in that repetitive tone he did.

He leaned back a-bit, staring at her dull eyes. His fingers cupped around her chin, lifting her face towards his.

They both leaned in to kiss the other, Draco's touch being more forceful.

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