Chapter 4 - The Kinda - Awkward Dinner

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Xanxia's P.O.V

I couldn't help but stare at him in shock, he could've said something!

"I can go, i-i-if you want me to."

"Don't you think that will be a bit stupid, since my mum is expecting you for dinner?"

"Oh yeah, sorry I didn't mean to startle you, I-,

"Why didn't you tell me you were dating my mum!?"


"And why were you almost flirting with me, if you were going out with my mum!"

"I didn't-,

"Also how-,


"Is everything okay down there, dinner is nearly ready, can you ask Mr Knight to go and wait in the living room, honey." mum said from the kitchen.

"Can we please continue this converstation over there, please." I said, feeling a little embarrased. "Can I take your coat?"

"Yes, we will continue over thereand thanks for taking my coat.", giving me his amazing smile again.

If he does that one more time, mum and him are both going to be clearing up a Xanxia puddle on the floor. His coat smelt amazing, though! He seems to be trying hard for my mum. Shall I give this a chance? Maybe mum deserves this. Wait how old is he then he must at least be in his late thirties or early forty's. Well that's a bummer. Oh my god what if he and mum really hit it off. He might even become my- my father!

"Hey, are you coming so I can explain."

"Yes, hang on!" Okay I think I might be overeacting just a little bit.

"I'm sorry that I didn't get a chance to tell you this is because I didn't know you were her daughter. Otherwise I would've told you. I'm quite an open person."

"Oh yeah that would explain it." I said feeling so embarassed. "I'm sorry I should of let you explain, its just that Mum has never done this before. You see my dad left home 2 years ago when I was 16 and he left a small note, since then we haven't heard from him since. Mum hasn't seen anyone since then so I was just a little surprised....., actually more shocked." I said nervously. I just revealed an important part of my life to a guy I had only met a couple of times at the hotel, sure we've had a few conversations about general life but not as deep as this.

"Dinner is ready!", mum announced from the kitchen.

"Shall we go then?"

"Sure" said Ezra, "lets see what your mum has in store for me."

"Well don't expect much cause I do most of the cooking round here and there is a reason for that."

"Hey! I heard that, I acctualy tried harder this time!" said Mum embarrased, as Ezra started laughing. He has the most amazing laugh but I can't really crush on him any more. My life is so messed up!

For dinner we had, butternut squash soup for starters with garlic butter. "Mum, I take back what I said earlier this is amazing! And since this is my speciality I can honestly judge you and say that, it tastes wonderful!"

"Oh, thank you, darling, I know I'm not a good cook, but I guess I did well, do you like the soup Ezra?" said Mum.

"Honestly Elena, this is wonderful, I think I can now say that butternutsquash soup is now my favourite soup!"

"Well, you owe it to my daughter, she is the one that inspires me every day."

"Oh mum, stop it." I said, I hate it when mum gets all.... all mumsy!

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