2. Going back there?

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It had been 3 years since I enrolled into Ilvermorny and I was sorted in the Wampus house. The place was great and there was so much to do... funny thing... it turned out that my grandpa was the headmaster of Ilvermorny that meant that I could stay there for summer break or when he has to do paper work...but now the place had become boring. Me, and mum were at dad's office... he had to finish some paperwork for next year.

"Dad what are you doing?" I asked completely bored out of my mind. You can't blame me... I'm 17 years old! I need something to do. I had started calling them mum and dad a few months after they changed my last name and turned into Prince. It was an accident but they like it so that's how I call them. Now back at me being bored.

"Oh... Nothing?...Nothing." he said stuttering

"So is definitely something but you don't want to tell me... I understand. When will I found out?"

"In the beginning of the year. Trust me... you're gonna love it."


"My dear students! Welcome to another year at Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. For the rookie students welcome to your first year out of seven. Now I'm cutting right to the case. This year our school has been selected for the triwizard tournament! Most of you know what it is so I'm not gonna go to much explanation. The triwizard tournament is whet 3 schools compete vs each other. And laba laba stuff like that. Now I will take 17 children with me that are at least 17 years old! As for the others you will continue with the school year like always. Now the school that will be hosting us will be Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!"

I almost choked! We were going to Hogwarts? Gotta say... I'm a little bit nervous. When the feast ended dad went to his podium and announced that who was going to go.

"Now now. I have a list of our top 17 students and when you hear your name you'll get out, go to your room and start packing 'cause we're leaving in 30 min.

17. Corey Bryant

16. Mason Hewitt

15. Nolan Holloway

14. Lori Talbot

13. Brett Talbot

12. Jackson Whittemore

11. Stiles Stilinski

10. Kira Yukimura

9. Allison Argent

8. Isaac Lahey

7. Derek Hale

6. Malia Tate-Hale

5. Liam Dunbar

4. Lydia Martin

3. Theo Raeken

2. Scott McCall

1. Severus Prince"

That's a relief, all of my friends were coming with me so dealing with the Marauders shouldn't be so hard... right?

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