♀️The New Girl ♀️

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📖Name: Amelia Lawton📖

📖Nickname: Lia📖

📖Gender: Female📖

📖Age: 14 (at the start)📖

📖Species: Human📖

📖Sexuality: Straight📖

📖Personality: She is very smart for her age, and could seem like a quiet, keep to herself kinda gal. However, she can be feisty at times, and hyper 📖

📖Likes: She enjoys music, a lot. She has a passion for DJing. She has a soft spot for people who bring her coffee and doesn't judge her for what she likes and being a girl who does.

📖Dislikes: She dislikes her family, and doesn't like to keep secrets who hide things, but at times she has too. She doesn't like being accused and will make sure someone knows when they've upset her📖


📖Background: Amelia comes from a long line of doctors and her family believes that she should become one to keep up this tradition as her parents were

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📖Background: Amelia comes from a long line of doctors and her family believes that she should become one to keep up this tradition as her parents were. She lost them during a fire when she was 13 so not too long ago. And because of this she refused to go to school. She lives with her aunt and uncle who are brainwashed by her doctors obsessed family. They do not agree with her music passion.📖

Scenario 1: Amelia is new to your OCs school, after being homeschooled for a year, she had obviously had no friends. During her first week she hasn't really participated in any class projects or work. What will your OC do?

Scenario 2: Your OC were the first to approach her. She has started to get more comfortable, as one day you both skipped a class and snuck into one of the classrooms that weren't being used. Your OC wanted to show her some music they found. What will your OC do?

Scenario 3: Make up your own.

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