The Ophidian Triad Return

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" Thank you for meeting with me, Miss Granger. On behalf of the entire Ministry, we welcome you back from such a gruesome mission. It seems you have finally apprehended the death eater. We thank you for your service." Said Kingsley, in his most monotone voice ever conjured up by him. But nonetheless I nodded and took a seat beside him while the entire court all smiled at me with admiration. I quite liked that. He faced the accused and began the trial.

" Now court is in session. Court Case 274. The Ministry recognises you as Marigold Ivy Fontaine. Is that correct?" He continued.

The frail young lady nodded faintly and looked straight up at me, hatred in her eyes. After a full five seconds of uncomfortable stare contest, she looked down at her pale hands. I heard Kingsley sigh.

" Okay. Moving on. Marigold Ivy Fontaine. Status: Half-blood. Wand type: cyprus. Wand core: Unicorn tail hair. Years of service to the Dark Lord: 5 years. Number of Murders: 34. Now you are on trial for crimes of a violent matter. First for the death of one of the Auror's of the ministry: Jon Skile. Second for the evidence against you for trying, and failing might i add, to resurrect the very dead Voldemort. Do you deny these claims?" He asked in a very calm voice. The only thing I could do was twiddle with my hair and try to be patient.

This vile death eater was going to get punished for her crimes whether she be released or be put in Azkaban. After nearly 6 months of playing cat and mouse, I finally get the last hurrah. Hopefully after this, I can finally have my well deserved trip to Paris. Maybe i could meet someone there; after all, they don't call it the City of Love for nothing. After me and Ron's breakup, i decided it was better to focus on work but even that gets tiring after multiple missions.

Well you might be asking why me and Ron, best friends for 8 whole years, decided to break up after a wonderful year of blissful love. Well... he ended up getting bored with me and decided to sleep with someone I consider a enemy: Pansy... Freaking... Parkinson. I guess long distance didn't work for him. I came home from Hogwarts unbeknownst to his betrayal and BAM... "Hey mione, i think we should break up. I just feel like we're better suited for others." It wasn't until a week later while sobbing over a glass of firewhisky that I had found them in a stall at the back of the Leaky Cauldron having the most horrible saliva fight. I suppose it was like people said. Me and Ron didn't have that much in common without Harry. Even before we were dating, he was always the person who would argue with me about the tiniest things: like how crookshanks were getting it's fur all over his bed. Emphasis on HIS. Yep that's right! Thank goodness I never lost my virtue to that ginger toenail. He had never even tried to be at least a little bit inti-

"Miss Granger... Are you okay?" The voice shook me. Oh no.

I was still in court.

" What... Why?" I asked. Everyone's eyes peered towards me and they murmured amongst themselves.

" Miss Granger if this is too... emotional for you, then maybe you can step outside for a bit of fresh air." Right then, an unknown substance had dripped on my robes. It was tears. I quickly wiped them away and laughed nervously, at least some of the eye's had left me.

" I'm so sorry Minister. I don't know what happened, I might have spaced out. Please... Continue." I decided that i'm going to have to punish myself for the lack of emotion blocking. Maybe stripping myself off the latest book from the famous Marilla Senos. No. That's too harsh. I've been waiting for that book for too long and it was very expensive and difficult to get. Who knew there were so many girls who wanted to read about two people going 'down to business' after saving the world from total annihilation. It was shocking to say the least.

" Marigold Ivy Fontaine for the crimes against humanity and for the murder of a Ministry Auror, i sentence you to the Dementor's Kiss. You are hereby an enemy of the Ministry and may your soul find its way to the deep depths of hell." Announced Kingsley. Marigold was now thrashing on her chair and yelling out.


" Okay. Enough of that. Guards take her out. Now onto the next trial. These death eater's were very hard to find. The trio known as the... 'Ophidian Triad' has taken 2 years to catch these extremists. Enter." he said. Waving his hand to the door as it opened. The entire court witnessed the three auror's walking through the courtroom.

My eyes must be deceiving me. Am i going crazy or is that who i think it is.

It was Pansy-Freaking-Parkinson, Theodore Nott and.. Shit.

Draco Malfoy.

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