The Dream

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I was at a beach. Sitting down enjoying the weather and sun. The water tickled my feet from time to time. I didn't know where the beach was but it was beautiful. I looked up at the sky and counted the clouds while just enjoying the warmth.

I close my eyes and hum a song. Soon I feel someone walk over and sit besides me. I open my eyes and turn to see Nick. Why is he here? He looks at me and smiles. I smile back and look back up at the sky. Soon I lay down with my hands behind my head. My vision soon became blocked my Nick leaning down looking at me. I smile and blush at how close he was.

He smiles and stares into my eyes. I stare into his getting lost in his dark chocolate brown eyes. They were so mesmerizing. Soon I realized he started leaning closer to me. My breathing hitches as he was a few inches away from me. He looked at me then down at my lips as if asking for permission. I slowly nod and he fills in the gap between us. I feel his soft lips on mine.

With that I woke up. I looked around and noticed I was still in my room. What the hell was that?! I touched my lips. It still feels like he's kissing me. I can feel the touch of his lips on mine. I blushed and grabbed my phone looking at the time. 7:25. Great it's early. I decide to get up and walk to the living room. I grabbed a monster and decided to sit down on the couch and scroll through my phone. Trying to get the Dream out of my mind.

No matter what I do the dream always comes back. Him sitting next to me. Staring into his eyes. Kissing his lips. How soft and warm his lips felt on mine. How I wish it were real. As i was thinking I didn't notice Nick come up behind me. He taps my shoulder and I jump then turn around.

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you. Why are you up so early?" He asks as he yawns then walks over and sits by me. I blush and look down. I can't tell him about my dream. "Uhm I just woke up from a dream and couldn't fall back asleep." It wasn't exactly a lie. "Oh what was your dream about?" Shit. What do I say?! What do I do?! "I can't remember my dream." I say fast and chuckle. He furrows his brows but laughs as well.

"Okay weirdo. Whatever you say." With that he gets up and walks into the kitchen. I release a breath I never knew I was holding and get up. I stretch them head to the kitchen to see what he was doing. "Want some pancakes?" He asks as he gets the mix out to make them. I nod and smiled then sat down at the counter.

I went onto my phone trying to distract myself. I would take short glances at him occasionally and my mind filled with the dream again. Ugh. Why do I have to have this stupid crush? There's no chance he likes me back. With that thought I frown and set my phone down. Nick must've noticed because he sat from across me and gave my a concerned look. "You okay?" I look up at him then smile.

"Yeah I'm okay just thinking." He nods but still looks concerned. He lets it go though thankfully and hands me some pancakes. I smiled and muttered a quick thank you before taking a bite of my pancake. He grabs some as well and starts eating. I scroll through Twitter as I eat. Looking at tweets I'm mentioned in and liking and replying to some. One caught my eye.

Karlnapforever: has anyone noticed the way Sapnap looks at Karl? And the way Karl blushes when Sap is always around? Karlnap I ship

I blush at the tweet and accidentally like it. I wide eyed and unliked then set my phone down abruptly. Nick looks up and frowns. "Okay Karl what's wrong? You're acting different." I look at him but don't say anything. I just admire his eyes and his facial features. He's so pretty. "Karl?" I shake from my thoughts. "Sorry what I zoned out." He smirks and gets up.

"Relax I know I'm so hot you don't need to lie saying you weren't admiring me." I blush instantly and look down. Nick chuckles and grabs my plate putting it in the sink. I get up and grab my phone walking back over to the couch.

"You know what we should do? We should read fanfics." Nick says and laughs as he sits down besides me. I choke on my spit and look at him with wide eyes. "W-why?" I ask my voice cracking. He laughs at my nervousness and scoots close to me. He leans over and whispers into my ear. "You don't have to be nervous around me Karl." I blush and he looks at me and winks before getting up and going to his room. What the hell was that?!

While I'm trying to figure out what the hell happened I didn't notice Baby had come and laid down in my lap. I looked down and smiled and started petting her. Baby I don't know what's going on. All I know is I'm falling fast. And deep and it's getting scary." I sigh and continue to pet her.

A/n: Dayum Nick do he flerting though- I'm really proud of this book. I think it's better than my others lmao. I have like ten thousand drafts of stories I want to publish but think I should wait till I finish some books that are already published first😂

~Miller out❤︎

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