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TW: mentions of car accident (also i'm not a doctor some things are probably going to be wrong despite the research i put in)

"Out of the way!" A nurse yelled as he pushed the stretcher through the sea of paparazzi crowding the hallway.

Virgil was only vaguely aware of what was happening.

He remembered driving home.

He remembered being on the phone in a heated conversation with his manager, who was trying to convince him that taking a break wouldn't kill his career.

Then a flash, the screeching of wheels on asphalt, then nothing.

He regained consciousness a couple of times, managing to catch on to strands of conversation here and there, before the pain put him under again.

"He's losing too much blood! Let us through!" The same voice hollered again.

Someone was holding his hand; his head was spinning and his whole body hurt. There were lights flashing in his eyes every once in a while, making him groan in pain.

"That's enough," a calm but stern voice intervened, and everything seemed to quiet down. Virgil decided that he liked that voice. "If you don't let us through, he'll die. Now that you have this information, if you still insist on not letting us through, therefore killing my patient, you will be charged with murder."

There was a pause, then a scatter of feet and the noise of wheels on tiled floor. Everything seemed to start moving again and a wave of nausea assaulted Virgil's whole being.

"Is that something that would actually happen?"

"I have no idea, but it got them out of the way. Now we have to hur..." Those were the last words Virgil heard before everything faded to black again.

"How is he?" A voice said. All the sounds were muffled and confused in Virgil's ears, but slowly they started becoming clearer and clearer.

"He's stable, fortunately. He's probably going to wake up soon." He vaguely remembered hearing this voice before, it seemed familiar.

"You know that once he does we won't be able to stop the King from coming here to meet him right?" The first one chuckled at the other's annoyed sigh; their voice was soft and light, it felt like what Virgil imagined clouds would feel like on his skin, soothing the headache that was already starting back up.

He groaned, alerting the nurse and the doctor in the room, as he tried to force his heavy eyelids open. His whole body hurt and the insistent beeping sound mixed with the bright lights shining through his lids were not helping him in the slightest.

Slowly he managed to blink his eyes open, trying to get them used to the brightness of the room.

"W-where am I?" He asked confused, his voice raw and husky.

He tried turning his head to look around, but was surprised to find his neck blocked by something rigid, forcing him to look only at the white ceiling and neon lights, other than as far as his peripheral vision would allow him.

"Mr. Storm please, don't move around much. You're still recovering and you need lots of rest." The soft voice said, and Virgil saw someone coming closer to the edge of the bed.

They had a mop of black curls, kept out of his face by what looked like a 90s headband; his eyes were a warm brown and his smile was just as soft and kind as his voice. They had the usual blue scrubs on, but a couple of small pins were decorating his left shoulder: a light blue heart with 'he/him' pronouns and small round one with rainbow colors on it.

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