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Childhood should be a time of innocence, of wonder, of safety, of love. It should be a chance to discover passions, talents and one's unique basket of interests. And Lorelei was one of the lucky children who got to experience such a child

She was lucky to have an outdoorsy father and mother who at every given chance would play with her in their garden and the woods. There was no pressure to conform to anyone's standards. There was no pressure period.

Life was simpler then.

But once she reached puberty her happy innocent world came crumbling down and a new dark and twisted one took its place.

Amazement. Intrige. Fear.

All things a teen Lorelei felt at once as armed guards escorted her and her parents through a large facility filled with people travailing away on goodness knows what, all Lorelei knew was that it was big and metal.

Once Lorelei's father saw her staring at the workers he quickly ushered her along scolding her for looking at something she shouldn't be. Lorelei looks up her father and tries prying for more information on the mysterious metal object but he only scolded her more. Lorelei's mother strokes her husband's back telling him to calm his nerves before she smiles at her daughter and explains that the metal object is actually a present for her bringing Lorelei much excitement.

The family enter a long and dark hallway stopping at the very end and enter a small lab where an even smaller man with round glasses and a red bowtie stands waiting impatiently.

"You're late." The man grunts.

"My apologies, we-" Lorelei's father goes to explain but is quickly cut off by the man.

"Save it. Is the Fräulein ready?" The man snaps.

"Yes." Lorelei's father simple answers not wanting to anger the man further.

"Good. Commence project S.I.R.E.N." The man orders.

The armed guards then step forward and grab the girl by her arms as they drag her out of the lab.

"Mama! Papa!" The girl screams for her parents but they just stare in silence as they watch their daughter get dragged away.

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